I was really dumb while taming one of these boys.
I was really dumb while taming one of these boys.
So you might have seen my story on taming a Rex. It took around 20 bio toxins and I had around 40 left I checked a bunch of stuff on Dododex but forgot to check how many toxins I needed. I remembered while going through step by step in my head, but I didn’t bother checking. It only took 20 on a Rex, so 40 should be good for a spino, right? I went to the spino, built my stone house with windows, and started shooting. It fell unconscious, and I started feeding it. But I noticed I was running out of bio toxins fast. I checked on Dododex how many I needed, and I didn’t have enough! I started panicking and gathering narcoberries, but when I gave him narcos, (I still had a lot of bio toxins, I just wanted to test if narcos would work) they didn’t work as I was used to! I panicked some more and quickly run to the ocean for more bio toxins, but I don’t see any Cnidaria! I panicked more, but then I had an idea! I quickly checked on Dododex what kibble they eat, hoping I could speed the taming up with it, but I didn’t have argentavis eggs! After more panicking a had another idea, an idea that had to work. I gather a bunch of stone and craft a mortar and pestle. I gather more narcos, and took the meat that had spoiled. I crafted a bunch of narcotics, but I didn’t have enough narcoberries. I gather more, and about now I run out of bio toxins. I craft a bunch more narcotics and end up with about 25. (I actually started with 13) i am now out of spoiled meat. I wait some more, feeding him narcotics and meat, and he finally tames, with 10 narcotics left. I will never neglect to check stuff again.