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A poor survivor’s Tek Jetpack and a mobile survivors argy. What else could you ask for?

Everything I’ve Learned About Taming:

Spawns in forest areas but way easier to find along the coast when they are out of the trees. They are easily identified by their erratic flapping and slightly smaller size. You must be in their “Love Range” for them to be able to hand feed them chitin from your last item slot. It seems their best Love Range is around 20-30 meters, up to around 40m. Closer the better. THEY ARE VERY TIMID, having a tame nearby, aggressive wild Dino, sprinting/jogging after them will scare them away easily and they will take off. If it takes of into the forest you have a better chance of getting Angelina Jolie’s number than ever seeing them again. USE A PIECE OF CHITIN ARMOR TO LURE THEM OUT IF DANGEROUS/THICK FOREST AREAS, they will chase you and since argies and griffins can outrun them you can use this method to try and find a scared off sino or lure them. Getting that first feeding is crucial so you can track them it’ll make your life 100x easier. I find following them while crouched works well as they won’t run off and will normally be in the best range for them to fly right back to you. Ghillie armor will effect their Love Range making them almost never come to you if you have ascendant. With a pocket allo, I follow them bare butt anywhere they go. IF THEY ARE ANYWHERE NEAR THE COAST BRING A CHEAP RAFT, this will save you time and grey hairs. Once they fly/get scared over the ocean they can stay there forever. They can land on rafts just stay on the opposite side so they have room to land. DO NOT FEED ANYWHERE THEY CANNOT LAND, I.e shallow knee high water, on rocks etc. they will either get bugged and hover over you and ever move again or they will get scared and fly off, this brings me to the next tip; DO NOT MOVE WHEN THEY GIVE YOU HEARTS AND COME TO YOU, moving away while they are flying to you will scare them off if you get too far, wait for them to land then walk to them, they will almost always come right to your feet. Rinse and repeat and there you are, with a cryoable jetpack.


I prefer leveling all stamina, they are great for running away from wild dinos if they surprise you or if you’re in a pinch but be careful spamming the inventory buttons as they can get thrown off you without you noticing like other shoulder pets. Stamina is great for long distance flying or tranqing a dangerous Dino. I aim for 2k stamina and that’s plenty. IF YOU HAVE HIGH STAMINA ALWAYS MAKE SURE IT HAS PLENTY OF CHITIN, if you use a decent chunk of stamina it will fly through chitin and starve extremely quick and with its low health, it’s done for. Chitin is light so just load them up with a few thousand. Your movement speed will impact the speed of its intial first flight until you stop flying or gliding for a split second. USE ITS GLIDE TI GAIN SPEED, to get a decent glide free fall a few feet and start gliding then fly, it’s gliding speed will lead right into its flying speed. IT HALVES MOST RESOURCES WEIGHT, level up weight and it’s a great meat/resource run companion for everything.

Hope this helps! Stay safe and happy flying.

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