ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Can transfer dinos and items out of aberration. Not players though.
More Shinehorn Utility Tips
The Shinehorn is one of the four lantern pets. It can store a charge that is used throughout Aberration.
Shinehorns have no oxygen so they're great while exploring underwater
Useful in pvp as it has an ability to alert owner to any nearby enemy players and is signaled with its glowing horns. Also can assist in looking for dinos to tame as it has an ability to alert players to any max level dinos within its render distance.
Usage - used to keep the nameless away
Appearance: similar too a normal young deer or goat but with hooves more like a horse, has extremely vibrant luminous color patterns and two small glowing antlers. Size: around two feet long and a foot and a half tall. Uses: can see a max level creature or enemy player or tamed creature with its strong vision, burns nameless and reapers weakening them and forcing nameless into the ground too avoid getting burnt, also provides light and are cute little beasts making them good companions for exploring the dark lonely depths of the caves.
To activate/deactivate the light without removing it from your shoulder, hold 't' on PC and in the emote menu choose 'light.'
They need it on mobile
These cuties can make cutie babies. There is a gestation period though, so itβs not instant.
how to spawn with admin: cheat summontamed lanterngoat_character_bp_c .
If on ps4/ps5 in the emotes menu if you clap you can toggle your light pet on or off.