ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Sarco Stories Tips
I tamed one of these today. I'm a new player level forty and smth like two. and for some reason it was near my base, I NEVER SEEN ONE OR ATTACKED. Because they don't spawn in my area but apparently this sarco thought it was bs, I go with my ptera on a rock and just get him from up there. Dumb me jumps on him when he was unconscious and I ALMOST DIED OF FALL DAMAGE, so excited that I almost died, but then DISASTER STRIKES. I just realized that one of those birds who like steal your stuff called like ittio idk. They stole my narcotics so I had to take it WITHOUT THEM. Thank goodness for me tho it was a low level, it was 4 so I thought I could do it in time. I did it! And now I'm dominating and leveling him up like crazy. Very good creature after all
It was heartbreaking,my sarco which I unintentionally tamed had died,one day when I was farming metal a sarco spawned outta nowhere,I tranqed it,tamed it,named it chill Jim,we were unstoppable,killing everything with ease,one day I went farming meat and hide when I saw a pack of 4 raptors,they killed me and my sarco,so I got my trike and killed all 4 of them,I will obliterate every raptor I see now.
Gatorades Life
So i tamed a sarco and decided to name it gatorade, we were UNSTOPPABLE.i spawned in south so i was going to north riding him but halfway there.these cniadria(annoying af jellyfish) KNOCKED HIM OUT AND KILLED HIM.i survived so i knew what i had to do, now i kill every jellyfish i see.
1like 1 jellyfish KILLED
I was running away from a sarco, had my para on passive so it didn’t attack it but my army of 10 dodos were on neutral so they killed it cause I got a notification that said my dodo named McNugget killed a Sarco, I’m so proud of him! Put an up if your proud of McNugget for defending his flock! :D
Ultimus Chapter 5: Awake, part two
Andrew quickly attempted to scramble across his bed and kicked up a bunch of dust making him cough profusely. Dust flew into his eyes and caused him to stop in his tracks. He tried waiting for the dust to settle, but with each cough he stirred up even more dust. He quickly retreated out of the room, as he looked back he saw the room was filled with a cloud of dust.
Andrew decided to open several windows and decided to figure out why the power wasn’t working until the dust settled. He went outside and started walking around the house. He quickly noticed the generator half buried in dirt by the house and checked it. It was powered off with over half a tank of gas remaining. After a little over an hour of trying to figure out how it worked he got it started up running.
Andrew went around the house and went inside. He checked the lights and saw immediately the lights turned on. He pumped his fists in the air and cheered in exuberance.
He went down the hallway and looked into his room. All the dust had settled. He looked through his window and saw his dog was still watching the dinosaur intensely.
Andrew cautiously walked into his room and walked around the bed over to his nightstand. He picked up the clock but couldn’t read it through all the dust. He wiped off the dust but still couldn’t see anything. Looked at the back and saw that the element slot was empty.
“Of course they lied about how long the clock can run on.” He said to himself, he opened the first drawer on the nightstand and saw some clothes. He quickly started pulling out all the clothes and found what he was looking for, a single piece of element. If he couldn’t get an exact date, he could see at least an estimation for how long he’s been asleep. The clock could hold the last date it recorded before it died so it was simple enough.
He put the strange material in the back of the machine and looked at the date it last gave. Andrew looked at date and he was shocked and confused.
‘it couldn’t be right!! Could it?’
The date on the clock was August 12th, 3104. He’d been alsleep for over 700 years. Maybe even longer…
Ultimus Chapter 5: Awake part one
In the shed, the sleeping pod started beeping and the doors opened. Andrew dropped out of the pod and laid on the ground gasping for air. Everything hurt, his head, his eyes, his legs, his stomach, his chest, everything. He tried to pull himself up to the ground, but he collapsed on the ground again. He heard his dog yawn, he heard him get up and walk over to his face. Andrew kept his eyes closed because of the pain but he felt the cold nose of his dog touch his nose. He felt him lick his cheek and his inside ear. This shot Andrew up feeling a cold, wet dog tongue in his ear. Though he instantly regretted it, puking bile and whatever he had eaten before going to sleep.
After a few minutes of being in the worst pain Andrew ever felt and letting it slowly subside. He opened his eyes and looked around. He didn’t see anyone, just dust. A lot of dust. He stood up and looked around. Everything seemed to be the same that it was before he got in, a couple more storage containers and way too much dust. But nothing out of the sort. He went and looked at the sleeping pod, it seemed to have shut down just before letting him and his dog out of it. He decided to go look for his mom and dad and see where they were at. He ran over to the door and opened it. Andrew looked at the outside world confused. Everything seemed normal. He was still in a forest, the sun was setting or rising so it must’ve dawn or dusk, his house was there though it looked run down a little bit.
‘So why was there a dinosaur outside the shed?!?’ He screamed in his head, there standing in front of him was a dinosaur, its head held a weird crest with spike coming off of it and a strange horn off the nose. Andrew had never seen anything like it. He knew the basic dinosaurs like Raptors, Rexes and Trikes of course. But he had never seen anything like this. It looked sort of like a trike but it didn’t have the horn over the eyebrows. But he couldn’t get distracted on how this was here. He walked past it and called his dog. The dog came to the shed door and looked outside. It saw the creature and froze. Andrew called him again and this time the dog laid down and watched the creature. Andrew gave up calling him and left the dog there. He went around the house and walked to the front door and opened it.
“Hello! Mom? Dad? Where are you?” Andrew called out. He didn’t see anyone, everything looked in place though. He continued walking through the house going through the rooms and searching for his parents. Though he didn’t find anything. He wondered if he woke up too early? None of the lights or anything that needed power wasn’t working. He went into his room and looked around, nothing had been touched since he went into the pod. He saw his Element Corp. Digital Clock sitting on his nightstand. And something immediately popped into his head.
‘The Clocks lifespan on one piece of element is guaranteed 750 years. I can just see what year it is right now!!!’
Someone once said: Once upon a time, my Sarco and I were hunting some Megalodons for fish meat, when a pack of Cnidaria stung the both of us, I tried to swim to the shore but it's too late. Mantas and Megs attacked me and my Sarco. My Sarco tried to fight back, biting his opponents. I swam back to the shore, and... My Sarco never came back. His dead corpse was a feast for Mantas and Megalodons. I hold my fists, my mind thirst for revenge. Rifle in hand, I swam back, shooting every Megalodon and Mantas I see. It was a bloodbath, bodies of Megalodon and Mantas floating in the ocean. I avenged his death… My Sarco…
Rain pours down to the land. He left his beloved wife and son.
Good vote= One Sarco lives. That! Well THIS ALSO HAPPEND TO MY SARCO only it was only Cnidarias something similar happend to my raptor blue, I forgot to sign it but it’s in the story section of raptor page if you want to go check it out :) but yes Good vote = one Sarco or raptor lives
I had a sarco named Snoop catt and he was my best friend. If I was out grinding, Snoop Catt was right beside me, if I was killing alphas, Snoop Catt was there. One day I was moving Snoop to a new house and we were ambushed by about 12 Titanoboas. Snoop Catt fought to his last breath and saved me and my Pegomaxtic. You will never be forgotten Snoop!❤️