ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Me and my bro were wondering on scorched earth on our private server and we saw one so we walked to it not knowing it would attack us, well we were extremely wrong it almost killed us but I mane he'd to type force tame in fast enough the command is admincheat forcetame and we got to tame it and we rode it without a saddle eventually we wondered with it in search for water soon we found a lake with a pack of at least 40 raptors so we got off the golem lv it's health and mele Dm and we hit every raptor and it..... KILLED THEM ALL LIKE A BEAST!!! I TOTALY RECOMEND FORCE TAMING THIS BEAST ITS WORTH IT GOOOOOOOO GOLEMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (my bro doesn't approve of the name but we'll see what he thinks when he logs in to see his golem have a new name) btw I'm older than him.
More Rock Elemental Taming & KO Tips
Use the formula y=(5000+100x)/1800 to figure out how many cannonballs are necessary to knock the golem out. Y is cannonballs. X is level. I suggest bringing at least 2 extra cannonballs.
If you have a level 9999 and use stone and are on 0.01 times taming it takes 80 years....
It's a bit silly that kibble tames it a lot better than rocks or sulfur because even in the dossier it says that it lives off of absorbing nearby rocks and minerals. So mabey they should make it so you have to feed them a rare mineral like obsidian what if they made it so you could tame one fast and with high effectiveness by giving one a few hundred or few thousand obsidian . or what if there kibble was made out of a combination of ores and minerals .
They should make the boulder throw able to knock out other rock elementals.
Me: hits it with canon ball trying to nick it out
Golem: u should have aimed for the head( dies)
There is a great little natural passage that you can kite the golem in to at 64.1 - 49.9. We tame all our Golem there. They can't get out but once tamed can be moved out. It offers a great firing position for your cannon.
Don't steal someone's 190 lightning wyvern egg or expect one of these at your base.
PRO TIP: on 2x taming weekends (Evolution Events) on official servers. You can knock out a level 20 or below elemental, slap some sulfur in it, and call it a day as it will not require narcotics on 2x but WILL still take 4 hours.
If you tame it with stone you will end up taming a giagantosaurus with cooked fish meat