ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Rexes are excellent tames. It’s basically a death machine, albeit a slow one, and most creatures won’t aggro it (except for carnivores the same size or larger).
More Rex Everything Else Tips
lego should make ARK sets
Skyward tap (if you know what I mean) if you think the “bola your friend and run” joke has gotten old.
Should I make me and my beast Rex (chompers) go into pve? Up means yes. Down means no.
I to think that lego should make ark sets
Wild card to talk to Lego about that😂😂
If you want to level up a Rex fast
Ride it and munch on some trees
This isn’t about the Rex but it is a tip. When you go to write a short tip or Joke and it says “a helpful tip should have a few more words” just spam the space bar until you can submit the tip. If this was helpful, you know what to do.
Darn…I was about to get ark ascended when it said I had to have game pass… tap the upwards facing triangle if you feel the pain.
SPINO ON TOP. why you ask
1 it's fast
2 it's common
3 it's him
4 is G.O.A.Ted
^for more peps to see
Fun fact every non tame-able dino in dododex has a comment that says "It's favorite food is force tame" yes I checked them ALL
Tyrannosaurus Rex is technically a huge, angry chicken. It’s true.