ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

The way i solo tame a rex of any level is to have a flying mount and enough tranq darts or arrows for the Rex in question, Agro the Rex and land away from it so it walks towards you, jump off your mount and shoot it in the head as it does this, fly over its head or around it and repeat, be fast!
More Rex Taming & KO Tips
to tame a rex: go on a ciff here it can touch you and shoot it till it fall as sleep and use prime raw meat
after you have it down and knocked out. get away from it. because nothing will attack it. it's more likely going to try and attack you, and maybe hit it.
sarry about any mistakes in this message I have a small mental disability that makes it much harder for me to read and write
I recommend using a scorpion to tame it, pump all levels into health on the scorpion. Then just attack the Rex but with 10 to 20 seconds in between hits, DO NOT pump anything into dm. Also this is what I use to tame literally everything, and it doesn’t even cost anything. Pls put this up in chat for everyone to go “oh that’s not a bad idea” 👌😄👍
How to tame a Rex
You need:
Tranqs: about a few hundred or more
4 Stone dinosaur gates and a large bear trap: needed to build a trap to keep it still.
Raw prime meat or kibble: for the actual taming.
Narcotics: needed if not using kibble to keep down.
Spyglass: to locate a high level.
Taming instructions:
Find a high level Rex, go to a distance where it can follow you there, but not get its agro for the time being
Build the trap: place 3 stone Dino gates in a square shape with space in between them for the Rex to fit in. Leave side open in the direction of the Rex, for it to get in. Place the large bear trap in the middle, to keep it still when you place the other gate to trap it.
Trap ready? Now it’s time to trap the Rex. Fire something at it, (I recommend a gun of some sort), to get its aggro. Let it follow you into the trap, and when the bear trap goes off, place the 4th gate in the opening you left. the Rex should be trapped now.
Now, just fire your tranqs into it, (wait 5 seconds between each tranq) until it goes down.
Now, just put your taming food in (gather prime if you don’t have kibble, be sure to use narcotics if torpor gets low.) until it’s tamed!
I will now tell you some uses of the Rex.
Meat gather: gathers a tone of meat (and prime!)
Tank: has a high health pool, making it a popular choice for pvp.
Boss killer: because of its high health pool, it’s a popular choice for bosses, as it can tank hits.
Enjoy your Rex! If I get 30 points, I will make a giga tip. Thank you for reading!
Want to tame a boss killing machine? Well you came to the right person! So first let's prepare for the taming process:
-Tranq Arrows, Tranq Darts or Shocking Tranq Darts(For faster knockouts)
-Crossbows, bows, or rifles
-Raw Meat, Prime Meat or Kibble (Or cooked fish meat if you prefer)
-Narcotics (40 torpor) or Biotoxin (80 torpor) (I would not recommend narcoberries as they only restore 7.5 points of torpor and cannot be constantly fed to carnivores like the Rex)
NOTE: Biotoxins and Narcotics are not required for lower level rexes (Like those found in Easy mode), however you may still bring them just in case!
Now that you're all packed up and ready, let's get taming!
Now, there are different methods of taming the rex. Here's some of them:
METHOD 1: Classic taming trap
This method is a classic. The trap is pretty simple, but do note that there are other traps you may use not included! The trap of choice in this tip is picked because it is one of the most versatile and common traps!
4-9x Stone Foundations, 16-24 Stone Doorframes (Depends of size of trap you're using) and some Wooden Ramps (Depending on height of trap's walls)
Using this trap, get the Rex to aggro on you and lure it into the trap. You may use a flyer (RGs, PTs etc.) or do it on foot (It is possible to outrun the Rex with a certain amount of points put into Movement Speed!). Now that you have the Rex trapped, whip out your knockout weapon of choice and knock the Rex out. Now, shove some raw meat or prime meat and narcotics/ biotoxin down its throat and voila! You have your very own Rex!
METHOD 2: The Cheap and Lazy Method
This method is super simple, and is the method I usually perform. Just so you know, the best location to perform this method is near the Mountains (I play on ARK Mobile), where there are lots of rocks and bumpy terrain. After you have found a Rex preferably in the Mountains, get on a cliff or high area where the Rex is unable to hit you and start firing away. Once it starts running away, chase it down (It gets stuck in the rocks sometimes when you're on bumpy or rocky terrain like the Mountains) and knock the Rex out. Shove some Raw Meat or Prime Meat and narcotics/Biotoxin down its throat while you go out to get prime meat (I get them from RGs in the mountains or Theris elsewhere). Make sure to keep an eye on its torpor and not neglect the Rex for too long or it will wake up! After a bit of time and patience, you will obtain your very first Rex! Clap yourself on the back and enjoy your new battle beast.
Now, onto the features of the Rex:
The Rexes are great and iconic tames of ARK. Most dinos do not aggro on them (Emphasis on MOST), but what you mostly want to avoid are gigas (Unless you have a super beefy and strong Rex). They are great for battle and bosses (Especially the Alpha Megatherium if you're on The Island.). They are also good for harvesting Raw Meat, Raw Prime Meat and more. The Rexes have great HP, decent attack and decent stamina, unlike the Spinos which are more of glass cannons (They have great Attack but pale in health in comparison to the Rex). In my opinion, I prefer Rexes over Spinos (Sorry Spino lovers) but you can tame a Spino if you want (Or both ;) ) They also have a roar that not only sounds intimidating, but also functionable, stunning smaller creatures and making others defecate (More of a comedic aspect). All in all, Rexes are tanks/ attackers which are a must have in your entirety of your playthrough in Ark.
I think that about sums up my guide on getting your very first Rex. Thank you for taking your time to read this and happy taming! Do give me some feedback for any inaccuracies, thank you!
-Your average ARK Mobile player
If you use the bear trap strategy which is if you lead it into a Dino gateway that is shaped in a triangle and with a bear trap in the middle (Large Beartrap) and when it is stuck you must put a dinogate behind it to trap it and then knock out.
Bring a friend on a Gallimimus, don't be too afraid, gallies are fast, then have your partner (s) on the back (and/or front) and shoot the thing like it killed your family
Build a Stone Pilla trap what didn't work then when the Rex is chasing you hide and wait the the Rex attack the trap. When he doing it SHOOT HIM WITH ALL YOUR TRANQ ARROWS. (sorry for bad English)
Do you want a boss killer ? Well I got you , first we need too prepare !
Firstly , get your tranq equipment , tranq darts , arrows and shocking tranqs work the best in my opinion ( use toxicant arrows if on mobile ) also , I would suggest bringing good weapons to shoot the tranqs out of a mastercraft or ascendant work best
You can use a trap if you want but it’s not needed if you have ok stam and speed , Rex’s aren’t the fastest of creatures .
Now that you have everything ready it’s time to find a good Rex ! You can find them almost everywhere from my experiences.
Now if you don’t use a trap all you gotta do it’s play ring around the Rosie . Once knocked out feed prime , mutton or there desired kibble and then boom ! You have yourself an boss killing machine
Point to the sky if this was useful :)
Giga: has a weak jaws with teeth, which can only make the prey bleed.
WildCard: Crush stones!
Rex: crush the strongest bones of it's prey.
WildCard: nope