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Step 1 : craft a Bola or a small bear trap

Step 2 : these guys are carnovores if you dont already

know so hunt a dino for food.

Step 4 : Bola or use a small bear trap to trap them... be

careful they usually wander in packs.

Step : 5 get a Bola or a bow and Trang arrows from

you inventory... what did you expect me to say just hit


with your fists.. even tho that could work it'll take a

while and the raptor could get out of the bola/bear


Step : 6 shoot the raptor every 3-5 seconds til it gets

knocked out... step : 7. Feed the raptor normal meat or prime meat .. prime meat is better.. feed it narcotics or narcotics berries so it doest wake up while still in the feeding process. Step : 8 gather materials for a raptor saddle or if you have one just wait and if there's danger around make spike walls around the raptor... once it's tamed put the saddle on and destroy the spike walls then ride away

Hope this is helpful. I had a raptor named hunter he had 960 health and he does 40 damage per hit he's amazing... he can catch up to any dino and he can carry 225 kilograms he's amazing when I was taming him he had 800 health at first but he Gyatt an extra 160 health once he tamed...

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