I tamed a Raptor and I named her Raver she was the best thing ever she was quicker than other raptors and she was so cute I was thinking about getting her a mate so I went looking and there was this SUPER chill looking raptor it was really slow but I underestimated its power I used a bola in it but I was too close to it so this orange raptor that I really wanted pounced on me it had the bola on it but somehow managed to pounce on me and so I went to refresh’s my stuff but I didn’t want my dinosaurs to die so I used my raptor Raver to go get my stuff but as I was gonna walking A WHOLE BUNCH OF EVIL THINGS WERE SPAWNED I ran still on my raptor then all the sudden 2 raptors appear and then I was knocked off then a Scorpion comes and stings me then I watched in horror as I died my raptor running to the others to kill them... I don’t now if she is alive but I doubt it R.I.P raver I will love you always

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