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If you knocked the Quetzal anf the Quetzal fal to the ground, wait for a minute or a few seconds. Becasue sometimes other creature will come and kill it (so you won't lose your life and your food for the Quetzal). but if you can handle it, you can land on the ground and kill the creautures (many Creatures will aggro the Quetzal, even Raptors)

Sometimes for Safe, you have to starv tame it (so it won't take a long time) or use the Balm. The Dangerous Area that I know (when Taming the Quetzal) are Mountains, Swamp, Redwoods, forest, sea. I think thats all.

I don't know why Quetzals will fly away to the redwoods or the swamp (the placethat I hated). So use your best weapon and don't forget to use Ideas (don't just fly and shoot it, you need a plan).

I Think that's all the taming tips from me.

Thanks for reading

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