ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Cant pick em even with a quetzal
More Procoptodon Taming & KO Tips
Can be carried by an argy in single player mobile. Just did it a couple of minutes ago. ^ so mobile players can see this.
Here is how you tame a 🦘✨Procoptadon✨ 🦘
Get 4 billboards a rare flower rare mushrooms and some tranqs.
☝️FIRST you will place 3 of the four billboards then you will eat a 🌸rare flower🌸 get the Procoptadon to chace you into the three billboards while your in the trap with the Procoptadon place the last bilboard in the empty space. THEN crawl underneath the bilboard and tranq it. ONCE it is knocked out feed it the 🍄rare mushrooms🍄 and you have tamed yourself a ✨Procoptadon✨
PRO tip- after tamed it will eat regular berries🍒 🫐🍓
GL and happy taming
-Wild Willy💫🔥
I come on here for tips about taming and ko and all i see is complaining about changes made. Can i get some actual tips on catching this thing, tried bear traps but couldnt get it armed in time to catch one.
WILL eat berries once tamed! Confirmed.
Eat rare flowers to get it into a trap.
Build a door trap at least 2x3 and eat a rare flower next to it so it will chase you. Run as fast as you can into the trap. It will hurt but you will be able to tame it!
Once you’ve tamed one you can feed it regular berries it doesn't have to eat mushrooms after tamed and if you get a baby it doesn’t need mushrooms to be raised it takes regular berries!!! Your welcome!!!!🫶🏼
They spawn in redwood for anyone that is wondering
I mean come on, who hasn't wanted to go around on a giant prehistoric badass kangaroo?
They spawn SO RARE, like quetzal there spawn is very low in mobile esspecialy
Heres how to tame one in mobile
If you want to tame these guys go in the swamp destroy some trees for some rare mushrooms or open your free gift
And kill any creature that coud inter fear with your taming, and kill some creatures to make it force spawn and once spwned bola it and procced to to tranq/club or fists
And they ONLY preffer planet X seeds and Rare mushrooms when wild but when tamed they eat berrys.
And thank u for seeing my guid