ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If you are an admin go into Creative mode and grab the admin blink rifle and switch to destroy mode and enter the overseer arena. Step into the cavity and the overseer should start to form. Wait for about 1 minute. The drones will start to appear and you shoot the overseer with the admin blink rifle that is switched to destroy mode. When the overseer 'dies' There should be another boss.
More Overseer Encountering Tips
If ur wondering why to kill it just remember it’s the one that sends down medium crop plot blueprints in blue loot crates
I'm going at it with my 5 lvl 100 therezinos led by my 120 rex lol this thing is cooked
Im going in alpha with an army of two of every species on the island. Pls up this feat took iver 400 hours of the game. Wish me luck and hope my lil dodo gerald dosent die 🥹🫡
Definitely my favourite and most memorable battle, I used a dire wolf pack of about 6, a Rex, two spinos, three theriz, an argent, and I rode on the back of a Yuty. Did this in single player without the help of my Ark buddies 👍🏻 These were all very high level dinos btw
This boss isn't really that hard. You can go in with assault rifles and riot gear and beat the boss with 7-10 players. Bring a ton of bullets and healing brews because the defense units do a good amount of damage. Rockets will take out the overseer super quick. Also bring fur gear because it gets cold in some parts. 3 sets of everything are a must in fighting the boss and units. Thank you.
Don't make the same mistake as me, spinos can't fit through tek cave door like so more people know.
When you over prepare and bring 12 tek rexes
Can be fought after ascending in the alpha tech cave. Bring long range weapons and take out the minions first for they will kick you off your mount.
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret; this boss wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the tek cave! If you don’t know what the tek cave is, allow me to educate you! The tek cave is a cave accessible with tribute items (on gamma, it’s the three guardian trophies, on any other difficulty, it’s those plus some other trophies like alpha tuso eyes) and is found in the crater of the volcano. The levels of the creatures in this cave are really high, like, 710+ high! The creatures in the tek cave include arthropleura, purlovia, microraptor, giganotosaurus (with the exception of gamma) and more! Sounds hard, right? Well, not if you’re resourceful! This cave also has a bunch of lava, once you’ve got a pool of lava between you and an enemy, Fire a bullet and the creature usually swims right in! The lava can also be dangerous, easily weakening your Overseer army which is no fun. I recommend putting all your dinos in a massive Congo line! Get on top of your first dino, whistle follow one to the second, get on the second and whistle follow one to number three. Repeat that until all the dinos just kinda follow each other like a duck and babies!
And there you have it! The tek cave but just a little bit easier! Good luck, hope this helps!
This boss is the strongest boss on the island map especially in alpha difficulty, so you are going to have to be equipped very well. You will have to gain a bunch of mutations on your dinosaurs, so they can survive this battle this is coming. This battle is the final battle you will do on the island, before ascending from it. The overseer cave (sometimes referred to as the tek cave) is at the volcano.
Tek Terminal: 428390
It will be very hot in the first part of the cave, but very cold in the actual arena itself, so you are going to bring two types of armoured gear (prefably the ghille armour and the fur armour) and two types of soup (calien soup for hot temperatures and fria curry for cold temperatures) in order to work with the temperature.
To play in beta difficulty, you need to have:
1 Alpha Carno Arm
1 Alpha Raptor claw
1 Alpha Tyrannosaur tooth
1 Beta Broodmother Trophy
1 Beta Dragon Trophy
1 Beta Megapithecus Trophy
In the cave, there are powerful a$$ dinos that are inside the cave. The creatures there have a level of 500 on just difficulty one. But just as if the heat and the high level dinos aren't enough, you also have to be cautious of wild gigas roaming the area too. This is why it is important to bring dinos with good mutation stats to this very dangerous place. Use every gun, weapons and brimstone you and your tames have to fire on those creatures, especially the gigas. Remember to take it SLOW though, no rush.
Once you have teleported to the arena, you start fighting the boss. The boss will spawn plenty of attack drones and defence units. Try focus on killing these first, so that they don't overwhelm you and start killing everything. The overseer starts in its own form which looks like that specimen implant in your arm, and has a shield around it, meaning that it can't be attacked. It is also able to shapeshift into any of the three bosses you have defeated. The megapitchecus, the broodmother and the dragon. When it shapeshifts to the dragon, you will need to use the same method you did when you defeated the dragon. It will then return back to its original form and project a shield around itself. It will then start shooting lasers across the arena. You do not want this laser to hit you. The lasers will dismount you off of your dino if it hits you, and prevent you from moving for a few seconds, so you need to hide behind pillars to avoid this. The boss does this attack, every time you defeat one of its forms.
Survive the attack, use your yutyrannus to buff everything and apart from that, I wish you good luck on beating it! 👍