11 points   🔧 Utility       Report

These creatures “Bats” I’ve been told, can carry rabies as in of real life if you have an Arthropleaura (Arthro) will not aggro them and makes it easy for the tame the best damage calculated from level 1-80 always need 20-30 meat but level 10’s use 10 meat and is actually an Easter egg I’ve been told I myself LIVE in a cave and have four of them. I recommend using these amazing creatures as guards as they can outmaneuver even the great Giganotosaurus (Giga) amazing tames and will inflict Rabies virus or Mega Rabies virus on its said enemies therefore making it the best guard tame and for an unknown reason, are EXTREMELY underrated in my opinion they should be given more respect and given credit


Find me at Steam as by my account name Dvmarcantoni

DISCLAIMER: does not tame in Ark: Genensis but works one on the following electronic forms: Ark: Mobile, Ark: PC

And Ark: Nintendo Switch version

Hope you enjoyed

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