If you think about it ……. It’s defying gravity
A long time ago, there was chaos...
Me; WOAH LOOK PARADISE! *Runs to it*
Oasis; *moves slightly*
Oasis; *Flys away*
Me; ☠️
the oasi would scare away a Titan
Is this a dino…… or a tree……. Or a tree eating dino……..
They added the battle bus to ark :D
Carnivores: we eat meat.
Herbivores: we eat berries.
oasisaur: we also eat plants... and cacti and trees...
Good for game, bad for credit card.
In the desert, you used to fear deathworms, now you fear Mr. Crabs
POV: When you see these in the sky, floating around and about
Me: Woah did wildcard add floating islands? that's cool.
Oasisaur: Who are you calling me an island?
Me: Oh flippity crack it's alive!
Quetzal I can hold the most on my back / saddle
Rhynio no I can!
Blimp let’s settle this debate
Oasisaur , can hold titanosaur
All but oasisaur: ghasps!