ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a oasisaur? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a oasisaur.
I found sitting on the back of one with a fire wyvern aiming in 1 spot is far easier then shooting birds first time on official we did guns it almost died with 2k health left (tribe mate kept shooting it) vs fire wyvern only about 1k health was taken from it out of 20
If you wanna tame a Oasisaur quick and efficiently you have to focus on two things.
1. Drag Weight
2. Level
It seems to be similar to the Carcha when it comes to taming. If you’re not familiar with the taming process for the Oasisaur already, all you have to do is tame a creature then kill it and harvest its body so that the bodybag appears which contains your tame’s soul essence then take it. Next find and get on the back of the Oasisaur and put the soul inside it’s inventory hovering over the lake. That will start a skeet shooting like mini game where you have to protect your resurrecting tame from hungry vultures.
Now back to the drag weight and level. From my testing it seems the best tame available on Scorched for this would be the Giga but ofcourse it’s very rare to see a Giga let alone a 150 or high level at all. So next best would be a Paraceratherium. It’s worse than the giga by 350 drag weight but it has 50 more drag weight than the Rex making it better for taming the Oasisaur. Ofcourse you can also opt for the Rex instead being whatever is easier to tame and or find at a high level.
So all in all if you wanna rush a Oasisaur “early” game. Be lucky enough to find a max or near-max level high drag weight tame, kill it, get its soul essence and head off to tame your Oasisaur. (Yes I have tried the Rock Elemental and Titanosaur. They seem to not posses a soul thus not mentioned.)
1. Giganotosaraus - 950 DW (Drag Weight)
2. Paraceratherium - 600 DW
3. Tyrannosaurus Rex 550 DW
4. Yutyrannus - 500 DW
5. Wyverns- 416 DW
Taming does not go by drag weight but I stead by tames health up to 20,000!!!!
1. Percent tame per 1,000 hp on tame upto 20,000 health
2. Best range is between 17,000 and 19,750 as anything above and below that will cause you to go against the hardest wave of vultures.
Can confirm just tamed one with a bary that had more health than a rex that I tested
1 you need a wyvern
2 you need a soul of your pet. It works best with a giga but the bigger and stronger the creature is the faster you will tame it I think the health is the important stat but idk.
Step 1 get your wyvern on the rock facing the pond get his/her big toe/claws just over the edge of the rock look down and use your main attack (NOT THE BRETH) when your not hitting the [oasisaur move to step 2]
Step 2 make sure your wyvern is in the right spot get to the pond and put the soul in the pond then get on the wyvern look down or almost anywhere and use the main attack again (NOT THE BREATH ATTACK) and keep going doing that throughout all the waves and you’ll have your own oasisaur I’ve done this it works really well I thought of it and I recommended it if you can do it THANK YOU for reading!!!! My username is SherbetDog I’m out thank you and byeee
Here's how to tame one of these for those who are confused!!
Step 1 - find the Oasisaur(they spawn in the desert)
Step 2 - kill one of your tames
Step 3 - harvest its death essence from its inventory (the better the creature the easier the taming will be)
Step 4 - put the essence inside the Oasisaur inventory (accessable from the pool). You will see a spirit of your tame floating above the pool if succeed
step 5 - protect your tame's spirit from vultures that will attack it. Enemies will come in waves, and taming progress increases with each defeated wave . Be mindful that vultures might get stuck below the Oasisaur, you might need to check every once in a while if it doesn't say that wave is completed. Waves will get harder progressively so you need to be prepared for that as well
If you failed defending the spirit, simply start over from the step 2
step 6 - enjoy your Oasisaur!
~ KoToTerroR
Syntac used a dire wolf with 40k hp and it went up 25% per wave
Tame percentile is connected to taming multiplier, but mine is 15x and got 4 waves regardless.
Used an ovis, lvl 280~, 25 percent per wave.
Also fire wyvern is the only way I’ve been successful
The easiest way to tame an Oasisaur is using a fire wyvern because its immune to fire damage so you can incinerate the vultures extremely easily with little to no effort and tame one in no time.
A good and simple way to tame it is have a good ranged weapon, at least two. Such as a compound bow or sniper rifle. A good sacrifice creature is a paraceratherium. They are abundant on the map and easy to tame. I suggest a level 130-max. I would also have some good close range like long neck or pump, so if the vultures get close your prepared.
Also if u don’t have a wyvern have a flamethrower it doesn’t damage your esensns so get flamethrowers and a lot of ammo also bring a long range gut to to try and keep them away flamethrower is only backup ok
By: Jordan
You can use lightning or fire wyvren to kill the buzzards but make sure you are on top of the oasis. It will take damage if you are near the bottom. Use rare flowers to coax the stuck ones out and a fabricated pistol or a rifle to shoot them being careful not to hit the oasis. Watch its health, if buzzards get stuck underneath it you can let it heal between waves. We used a Rex with health leveled to 17k. Took several hours because we kept doing damage trying to get the buzzards out before we realized the wyvs were hurting it. We had to let it heal…
Figured out the secret to taming these by accident... although drag weight and level do matter the biggest factor is actually HP a 225+88 hp argy will tame just as fast as a 225+88hp paracertheirum; which is 50% on 1x hard single player.
Easiest way we've been taming these, is to have a couple of lightening wyverns on its back, you can kill the vultures with ease.
You can put honey in your last slot and use it on the ground to lure vultures that get stuck in its body .
Use a fire wyverns breath attack to kill the waves of vultures. The breath doesn’t hurt the oasisaur while on its back.
How to tame:
1. kill your tamed creature
2.harvest it’s body and grab the bag on the ground which has a soul in it.
3. Fly up onto the back of the Oasisaur and put the soul into it’s inventory so it can revive your tame. ⚠️Warning: Once you put the soul in its inventory be prepared to defend the Oasisaur until it’s fully tamed⚠️
So to tame this flying crab u have to kill one of your creatures and grab its essence it drops. Once you pick up its essence go to the oasisaur u want to tame and drop the essence in it or on it. It will begin "reviving" the dino. Youll have to protect the dino from being attacked by creatures. This will build up its taming bar once finished youll have tamed this island thing. It doesnt revive the creature u sacrificed tho. And theres a wait timer for its revival. But it can revive them once timers up
OASISAUR TAMING kill a tamed dino, harvest tame body, take soul, put in the pool on the oasisaur and protect it from the enemies that spawn to attack the dino
Kill a tame get it soul and put it in the oasisaur and protect it wave after wave
the oasis is broken but hard for me to feed since i made my base all the way next to the wyvern trench at the coliseum, but i do have some advice if you download the "no untameables" mod then tame the titanamra queen (idk how to spell it) then it should be easier then doing everything that you have to do for a wyvern