ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
As opposed to what their appearance may lead you to believe… These guys are actually incredibly fast, able to even keep ahead of a Raptor when sprinting, and since they are so big they are also immune to bolas and as such you will have to try trapping them using terrain or built structures. Alternatively you can use a Lymantria’s spore cloud to slow them down temporarily.
More Morellatops Taming & KO Tips
They prefer cactus sap over mejos
In a group they attack, individual they run. Pick the lone wolf and lead it by facing the way you want it to go and trap it against a wall or rock or a safe place. No missed shots, no wasted resources, and a easy Morrelatops tame.
Don’t get the Morellatops eggs confused, for some reason they are called Camelsaurus eggs. Maybe an old name they didnt fully remove?
It gathers a lot more cactus sap from the tiny cactus plants ( the ones you harvest by hand)
Crystal wyvern can NOT carry a morellatops on PC let people know so they can see and devs up date their info.
So, best strat I've found if you're playing solo with ASA Scrorched Earth is to play into being a cowboy of Bob's Tall Tales.
How I've done it, is try to climb onto its tail with a boomerang or whatever your knockout tool is and go right up to the back hump, then just start going to town and hoping you don't get knocked off or it runs into a group that might get ticked off from it taking any damage. If you're positioned just right, it can't hurt you and just carry you along for a ride.
Ignore the feeding tips and just feed a k.od morellotops cactus sap they instantly eat it even when not hungry and they tame in a matter of minutes
The eggs are called camelsaurus because its the morrellatops name in the cheats.
they CANNOT be carried by crystal wyverns
On console these things are a nightmare to chase down, so I good trap is some wood billboards, much like you would use for a maewing