ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Well, now the ark devs just need a pirate Halloween costume and I'm set for the seven seas
More Microraptor Taming & KO Tips
This little birdie will knock you off your mount. He is a must tame for pvp servers
We all hate this annoying pest, but here’s a guide to tame one for those of you who want to
1. Microraptors will knock you off your mount, and that’s the easiest way to tame them, so before attempting kill everything aggressive to a player, because they could kill you
2. The best way to tame this is by standing still and letting it pounce you off your mount. After doing so, it should aggro on you or your mount, instead of running around at Mach 5, so it will be easier to hit. I recommend bringing armor, so you won’t take much damage.
3. Shoot it with tranq arrows or tranq darts, it shouldn’t take very many, so bring 10ish tranq arrows, or 5ish tranq darts. They are slow once they have pounced you, so you don’t need to trap it because you can outrun it
4. If you have access to kibble or mutton they are great to use, if not, use prime, you may lose a few levels though it’s torpor doesn’t drop very fast, so bring a few berries or narcs and you should be good. It’s a pretty quick tame so I recommend just waiting near it for it to tame
Happy taming!
P.S. I am making an in depth taming guide for every creature in ark, so please check out my other tips, which all follow this format and end in Happy taming! If any are helpful please raise them to the sky so they can help others. Thanks!
A single rare flower will tame up to a level 150. They are incredibly fast, use tranquilizer darts or shock darts. Beware the stun and ability to knock you off your mount.
You can trap them in wooden cages apparentally ive got a super angry little dude held captive right now. Kinda scared lol
These romanticraptors get jealous and rip you off another tame but you can win them over with a nice flower
Insanely good at knocking people off of tames.Also just Bola it and knock it out.
One rare flower and they're yours no matter what!
These little guys normally see you before you spot them. But go into an area with a good horse and when they start to circle you to try and knock you....start kicking! I actually Ko'd one at random and tamed her up. Actually a beautiful baby I named Fifi, a suitable name for an ankle-biter! XD
All you have to do is sneak up and bola it , then hit it with tranq darts or arrows , then you have your very own chicken , good for pvp , not very useful in pve , for easy tame feed it rare flowers
Easy way to tame.
Just used this method to tame a level 145 male
1.Trap in a wooden cage
2. Knock out with tranq arrows
3. Feed it 1-3 rare flower
4. Name your new friend