ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I didn’t know this thing existed only after I went into the lava cave and I saw a fluffy rock
You were killed by lvl 130 megalosaurus
More Megalosaurus Encountering Tips
Pet it
Quetzal’s can’t pick up a Megalo but can pick up a Mammoth??
I think we need a picture of a sleeping Megalosaurus because he is difficult to see during the day
I ran into a megalosaurus when it was sleeping. I mistook it for a rock and ran right over it. It immediately lunged at me roaring. It scared me so bad i yeeted the controller across the room and floped onto the couch.😅
If u didnt know in mobile they only spawn in the middle chamber cave normaly by the pool of water at the back. hope this helps.🙃
Anyone else feels bad for it when you kill it while it's sleeping?
For mobile players check the artifact of the clever cave
“Hey sam whats this?”
“Dont touch that tyler”
“Sam I’m dead”