ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Noem hem henk de haai en doe hem een strikje om maar hij moet wel roze zijn
More Megalodon Taming & KO Tips
Step 1. Tame a manta
Step 2. Use the manta and all the surrounding sharks will agro on you and follow you
Step 3. Bring it closer to shore and tranq it out
Step 4. Feed it meat and it doesn’t need narcotics
Step 5. Name it Noah ( because it’s ark - Noah’s ark? Get it? It also rhymes with shark, see? Noah’s ark, shark. See? It’s perfect
Try to find a megladon by the shore and tranq it out it shallow water or on shore so it can't attack you.
1. Get an ichthy with a saddle
2. Find a megalodon underwater
3. Kite the megalodon to shallow water with your ichthy
4. Tranquilize it from the shore or a rock safely
5. Make sure you don't keep shooting it after it is KO (I learned this the hard way)
6. Name it Bruce
megalodons CAN'T get into dino gatesï¼u can't build a boat with underwater taming pen to trap them.just lure one to shallow water and tranq it.
You're gonna need a bigger boat. This bad boy will eat you, your wife, and your children.
1. Get a itchthy
2. Get a good crossbow (any works)
3. Find a good Megalodon
4. Fire Tranq arrows from Itchthy
- Itchthys don’t attract any water creature, use that advantage against the mega
-You can use weapons on an itchthy!
Best thing to do is have a crossbow with narco arrows to get it to come to you kill a fish near you then hit the shark in the head with the crossbow
How to tame a megaladon easily
1.get yourself a pulmonoscorpion
2.swim underwater
3.keep stinging him until hes knocked out
This is legit did it myself
Best way to tame these big things that like to eat you.You get it to follow you to shore keep moving until it’s tail is straight up he or her is stuck and easy to tame put a up if this helps
Tame these guys from the back of a baryonyx. One stun attack and a few tranq arrows and you're set.