ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Fast demons that will freeze you and jump around like a cricket on crack
I swear the best way to tame this thing is using snow owl
1: bring owl to yo magna and hit with freeze attack then quickly
Place gates on its body like the griffin trap and tranq it
2: use carnivore to collect prime meat or if u can use kibble
Use the kibble if u have it, u should starve it so I can have more time to get more prime.Hey that’s a rhyme!
Once in trap let them tire themselves out with constant jumps, they'll starve themselves and it'll be insta-tamed :)
These guys will go full Naruto on your butt
I used one net shot from the harpoon gun and maybe 5 or 6 tranq arrows. It broke the net but I still downed it. I’d avoid challenging it if you’re not prepared for it. It will freeze you and stomp on you like a po’d teenager on fresh shoes.
Pretty straightforward tame. Eats meat, so mutton's a great choice. Definitely want a trap with a ceiling. Only fits through behemoth gateways, or so is my experience. Mammal, so it has a gestation breeding timer and produces living offspring. Incredibly fast base speed, suggested to level Stamina for ultimate rocket power. Suggested stone trap.
Harpoon gun and net projectiles are your friends ;)
I watched a video on this, thought I share. Watch nooblets for moré info. U can trap it with 2 small Dino gates. U place one, lead it into the doorway (so his head is stuck) then u can freeze it with an owl, get lose and place a second doorway a little bit past his head near his shoulders. Boom he can no longer move. (Hope this helps, if not watch his video😊 )
Before taming the mana punch it and let it jump in the trap a bit that makes its stamina run out and also makes it hungry so h DONT have to wait for it to get hungry you can get the mama in like 10 min, when it’s in the trap punch it or take just a bit of its health u can punch it and yah that basically it
Fun fact : Wyverns, Rock Drakes, and Managarmrs are all related (sharing the genus name 'draconis')!
So these manas are very strong. i was on my maewing and it froze me solid for 15 seconds, while it was continuously hitting me. goodthing my maewing has good health. watch out, their freezing is insane!
Takes 5 years to find a high lvl female
On a 150 managarmr it takes 10 min with exceptional kibble