ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 18: Forever Promise
Original Post Date: Feb 1, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Manticore, next chapter in Ichthyornis.
“Whew, and that’s the last log finished!” Ruby let out a sigh as she clapped the dust off her hands. The raft was finally finished. What Samuel presumed to be just a thick blanket of logs tied together poorly with fiber had turned into something more. The platform raft was very sturdy and could fit everyone on board two times over, and there was also a lever made of wood that could be used to steer the raft. The raft even had a sail so that the wind would be able to blow them in the way they wished to go.
“Did we really have to build this over-the-top raft just to cross the river?” Samuel asked.
“Well, I thought about it for a moment,” Ben explained, “And I’m thinking, no. We’re not just crossing the river. We’re trying to get to the Book Club camp. I know that if we continue traveling along the coast we should be able to reach a river. If we just travel across the river we’ll make it to the camp in no time!”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Neddy said with pursed lips, “I saw a shark in the water, what if the shark eats our boat?!”
“No sharks can eat our raft,” Aurora reassured Neddy, “Sharks are friendly unless they think we’re prey.”
“Yeah and we’re on this giant attackable vulnerable raft…” Neddy replied queasily, “Definitely not prey.”
“Don’t be so paranoid, you may as well jinx us because of it,” Ruby warned Neddy.
“Right, sorry,” Neddy replied with a frown, “There’s nothing to worry about, right?”
“Yeah. Nothing to worry about. Jinxes and bad luck don't exist anyway,” Samuel declared.
With that, everyone boarded the raft, and with Samuel as their captain, they set sail for the river that leads to the Book Club…
“Smooth sailing so far,” Samuel replied as he pulled the lever a few times. Neddy was sitting criss-cross-applesauce and was peering into the deep blue sea. He was trying his best to observe the sealife down below. For some reason, the ocean surrounding the Island was crystal clear. This allowed Neddy to observe the fauna more easily.
“Woah! Are those Ichthyosaurus?!” Neddy gasped as he pointed at a bunch of dolphin-like creatures. Ruby giggled and put her chin on her fist. She was sitting next to Neddy and had her legs in the water.
“Aren’t those just dolphins?” Ruby asked curiously.
“Well, they can’t just be dolphins, after all, we’re on a-”
“Dinosaur infested island!” they both shouted in unison. The both of them laughed and hollered as they cried tears of joy. Star, on the other hand, was taking a nap next to Samuel, while Samuel’s raptor looked out into the open seas ominously, with a blank stare and a deathly grin.
Aurora, who was far away from the others, and looking out at the departing footpaw, sighed heavily as she fiddled with a strange necklace that was made of gold.
“Soooo, you gonna tell anyone about who you’re going to get with?” Ben asked as he crept up to her.
“I’m not getting with anyone,” Aurora shot back.
“Come on, it isn’t fun bottling up your emotions like that,” Ben retorted, “Hey, seems like Neddy and Ruby’s getting along really well, if you know what I mean. I thought you’d like Samuel-”
“NAH,” Aurora quickly responded, “I already said I’m not getting with anyone.”
Although it was clear that Aurora’s ears were burning up.
“It’s not a good idea to deny your emotions,” Ben told her, “Keep them hidden for too long, and they spoil fast. Then everything gets ruined. Just let loose and have some fun. You’ll appreciate it.”
Aurora scoffed and said back, “Don’t be so hypocritical. After you beat me in that tennis match, that girl was trying to get with you. You KNOW she was. So don’t try to pretend as if that didn’t happen. Trying to deny it and pretend you couldn’t see the signs. Why should I follow your advice when you can’t even follow your own?”
Ben was silent for a bit upon her words. He knew. He put his hands in his graduation robe pockets, and a waft of serenity floated in the air. He pulled his hand out to reveal a hibiscus wedged within his fingers, vines intertwining with his hands.
“Because I had a PROMISE to keep,” Ben answered solemnly, “A forever promise. And if I ever broke that promise, I’d never be able to forgive myself.”
Ben put his hands back in his pockets and the flower disappeared.
“Besides. She isn’t my type. Nobody is, really.”
Ben stopped speaking and began to shuffle away.
“Just consider what you feel toward certain people whose names start with S,” Ben said, “Why do you feel that way? Then take action. Because you might really like him without realizing it.”
Ben brushed his hair to the side, then rubbed his forehead intensely.
“Otherwise one day, you’re really going to regret it. And you’ll never be able to go back.”
Ben turned around with a big grin and closed eyes on his face. He put his hands up in the air with a smile.
“Well, nobody’s forcing you! You can do whatever you want you know,” Ben shouted with glee.
Suddenly, a large bellow radiated from the water, and Aurora got a chill of fear down her spine.
The Obelisk
-Chapter 66-
“I’m so hungry,” Rust grumbled.
“I am, too,” Forest said to him.
“We’re almost there!” Nyx exclaimed from the front. “There will be plenty of food to share at the camp!”
“We’ll see,” Spark said softly.
Forest looked up to see the sun high in the sky, beaming down on all of them. a slight breeze whistled passed him. the air was cooler than usual. he saw the trees greenish-yellow leaves rustling in the distance. Pteranodons flew overhead.
Nyx bounced down the hill, her tail held high. Forest remembered the time where they met in Runhiemr, when he’d clumsily tripped and fell into her.
Forest turned his head to Spark. “Hey, Spark, can I ask you something?” Forest asked, walking alongside her.
The pale Carnotaur nodded. “Sure.”
“Do I look… harmless? To you?”
“Why are you asking?”
“Well, when I first ran into Nyx, she told Blazeheart I looked harmless to her.”
“Oh.” Spark bobbed her head back and forth. “Well…”
“You do,” Rust said, coming up from the other side.
“I do?”
“Yeah,” Spark admitted.
“You’re adorable,” Rust appended.
Forest blinked, slowing his pace. He spotted Crimson ahead of them, snapping her jaws at a dawdling butterfly. “Crimson!” he called. He ran up to her, and she shot him a bored look. “Crimson, Crimson. I have a question. Do I really look—”
“Maybe.” Crimson said.
Forest stopped walking and sat down, genuinely befuddled. Crimson paused and turned to look at him. “Hey, it’s a good thing. Girls like a cute carnivore.”
“I’m cute???”
“Yes,” Crimson said. she glanced at the two carnivores behind them. “Cuter than Rust, that’s for sure,” she said loudly.
“Ah, you know I’m good looking.” Rust called back.
Crimson was now clawing at a small worm poking out of the ground, growling lightly. She dug one claw under and pulled it out, fiddling with it for a moment before leaving it alone.
Forest quickly remembered their time in the prison, after the Five had been captured. He remembered when he had asked Crimson about her past and she’d burst out screaming at him. He’d pushed her to her limit, and he’d been full of regret since. ‘I should of never asked her. she needs to know I’m sorry.’
“Listen, Crimson,” Forest stammered, “about last time, back in the prisons… I shouldn’t of—”
“Stop,” Crimson said.
Forest ducked his head. “Ok.” he edged around her to continue walking.
But before he could take another step, Crimson stepped in front of him. Her brown eyes locked with his. “Stop,” she began, “because I should be the one apologizing.”
Forest stared at her, feeling more shocked than before.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you like that.” Crimson said. “You’re not stupid. You’re the first Rock Drake with the guts to leave the place you’d lived your whole life in. I was the same way. Only instead of a cave, I was stuck in the swamp that’s history was filled with pain; stuck with a carnivore who wasn’t even family. And the truth is, it wasn’t even my idea to leave. To go with you guys. It was a friends’. she suggested I put my past behind me, meet new carnivores and leave the swamp.”
Crimson looked down, closing her eyes for a moment. “The others were right. I’m not the average Kaprosuchus. I just get so angry… and when Sable told me I should follow you guys… I—I don’t remember what she said to make me agree, but I did.” She laughed quietly. “We’ve been together, what, two weeks now? I’ll tell you the whole thing has been a hell hole. And yet here I am, and we’re all still alive. And… you’re almost close enough for me to count you as a friend.” She smiled at him.
Forest didn’t know what to say. ‘she does care.’
“I will never ask you about your past again.” Forest whispered. “I promise.”
Crimson nudged his snout with hers. “You’re a nice guy, Forest. I’ll admit that.”
Just as she said it, Rust walked up to them with Spark behind him. “So… is my apology next or something?”
Crimson turned her head his way with a neutral look. “This is a nice moment,” she said. “don’t ruin it.” She brushed passed him and Forest.
“I would never,” Rust asserted, watching her as she walked away.
“Come on, lets catch up with Nyx.” Spark said, following. “And Crimson is right, you know,” she added.
“About what?” Rust asked.
“About Forest being cuter than you.” Spark said playfully.
Forest shook his head with a giggle. Rust smiled at Forest and shrugged.
As they turned to trail after the others, Forest heard Nyx yelling, “Come on! We’re here, we’re here!!”
I can’t believe the people who wrote previous stories.
Ok anyway I had one who was good for me on rag. It was my 5th tame. But I didn’t realize how useful they are. But myn was so beautiful, she had red wings with blue accents during a Christmas event in 2019. (It’s 2020 and it’s about to be her birthday.) she’s maxed level now but the only tame that survived my beach bob days on rag. My server doesn’t have wipes so she’s good. My beautiful butterfly is gonna be one( if you don’t play ark you don’t know what an achievement this is to have a one year old tame.) and she can hold anything because butterfly uses are only weight. When we raid we use her to get the loot back. My friends told me to put it up on Dododex so I did.
Hope you enjoyed this story of my beautiful butterfree.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 18: Forever Promise
Part 2/2
“Soooo, you gonna tell anyone about who you’re going to get with?” Ben asked as he crept up to her.
“I’m not getting with anyone,” Aurora shot back.
“Come on, it isn’t fun bottling up your emotions like that,” Ben retorted, “Hey, seems like Neddy and Ruby’s getting along really well, if you know what I mean. I thought you’d like Samuel-”
“NAH,” Aurora quickly responded, “I already said I’m not getting with anyone.”
Although it was clear that Aurora’s ears were burning up.
“It’s not a good idea to deny your emotions,” Ben told her, “Keep them hidden for too long, and they spoil fast. Then everything gets ruined. Just let loose and have some fun. You’ll appreciate it.”
Aurora scoffed and said back, “Don’t be so hypocritical. After you beat me in that tennis match, that girl was trying to get with you. You KNOW she was. So don’t try to pretend as if that didn’t happen. Trying to deny it and pretend you couldn’t see the signs. Why should I follow your advice when you can’t even follow your own?”
Ben was silent for a bit upon her words. He knew. He put his hands in his graduation robe pockets, and a waft of serenity floated in the air. He pulled his hand out to reveal a hibiscus wedged within his fingers, vines intertwining with his hands.
“Because I had a PROMISE to keep,” Ben answered solemnly, “A forever promise. And if I ever broke that promise, I’d never be able to forgive myself.”
Ben put his hands back in his pockets and the flower disappeared.
“Besides. She isn’t my type. Nobody is, really.”
Ben stopped speaking and began to shuffle away.
“Just consider what you feel toward certain people whose names start with S,” Ben said, “Why do you feel that way? Then take action. Because you might really like him without realizing it.”
Ben brushed his hair to the side, then rubbed his forehead intensely.
“Otherwise one day, you’re really going to regret it. And you’ll never be able to go back.”
Ben turned around with a big grin and closed eyes on his face. He put his hands up in the air with a smile.
“Well, nobody’s forcing you! You can do whatever you want you know,” Ben shouted with glee.
Suddenly, a large bellow radiated from the water, and Aurora got a chill of fear down her spine.
Riddles of the Phoenixes series
Through the eyes of the Dark phoenixes.
Chapter seven: Cyra and Cyrus.
The woman leaned over the mysterious man’s unconscious body. “Oh dear.” She whispered. Her name was Cyra and she had been going to draw water from the well when she had seen this poor soul. Blood soaked through the man’s white shirt. “Oh dear, oh dear.” She murmured She quickly ran over to the well and scooped some water out with a pail. She ran back over to him and poured some water down his slightly parted lips. Then she splashed his face with more water. The man’s eyes flickered open.
Jack awoke from pitch blackness to feel wet liquid pouring down his face. Jack coughed up a bunch of water. A woman stood in front of him. She had long dark blonde hair, her eyes shone a bright jade color, her skin was milky white and smooth, and she had a light pink silk dress on that swirled around her heels. “Are you okay?” She asked. A moan slipped from his lips as much as he tried to hold it back. Then black clouds surrounded his vision and he blacked out again.
Cyra watched as the man fell back unconscious. Cyra pursed her lips anxiously. “Oh dear, oh dear.” Just then someone called her name. “Cyra! Cyra there you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You’re not supposed to just wander off alone, you know.” A man called. He had slicked back greasy dark blonde hair, dark green eyes, and as he ran toward her his black cloak flowed around him. He wore black clothes. His name was Cyrus and he was her twin brother. “Where have you been and-” He stopped speaking when he saw Jack on the ground. “Who is he? Cyra you know we have to stay away from strangers!” Cyrus said, eyeing Jack with a disgusted look. “But Cyrus…he’s injured!” Cyra argued. Cyrus raised a eyebrow. “So?” Cyra glared at him. “We have to h e l p!!” She cried. Cyrus sighed loudly and exaggeratedly. “Fine.” He replied. “Good. Can you pick him up?” Cyra asked. “Of course I can! But we could just drag him….” Cyrus trailed off. “Cyrus!” Cyra’s eyes flashed with anger as she glared at her brother. “Okay, okay.” Cyrus said, giving in. “….how did you find him anyway?” Cyrus asked. “I went to draw water from the well and then I saw his body. It looked like it had been washed to shore or something.” Cyra replied. “You weren’t drawing water from the well were you? You were wandering off from the castle and then you decided to come her and get water so that you would have a excuse to tell Nora and William weren’t you?” Cyrus asked. Cyra’s face blushed. “Oh just pick him up!” She exclaimed. Cyrus smirked. He bent down and picked up Jack limp body. “Geez loize! This guy is HEAVY!” Cyrus exclaimed. “What do you mean?” Cyra questioned. “Usually men aren’t this heavy. Now where are we taking him?” Cyrus asked. “The castle of course. To see Nora.” Cyra said. Cyrus sighed. “Ok. But I’ll need your help carrying him. He weighs almost a ton!” Cyrus gasped, trying to carry Jack.
Next chapter coming soon!If y’all have any complaints, questions, or suggestions for my story then you can talk to me in my dye valentine or in achatina. Thank you for reading! #FF4L. 😜
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 18: Forever Promise
Part 1/2
“Whew, and that’s the last log finished!” Ruby let out a sigh as she clapped the dust off her hands. The raft was finally finished. What Samuel presumed to be just a thick blanket of logs tied together poorly with fiber had turned into something more. The platform raft was very sturdy and could fit everyone on board two times over, and there was also a lever made of wood that could be used to steer the raft. The raft even had a sail so that the wind would be able to blow them in the way they wished to go.
“Did we really have to build this over-the-top raft just to cross the river?” Samuel asked.
“Well, I thought about it for a moment,” Ben explained, “And I’m thinking, no. We’re not just crossing the river. We’re trying to get to the Book Club camp. I know that if we continue traveling along the coast we should be able to reach a river. If we just travel across the river we’ll make it to the camp in no time!”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Neddy said with pursed lips, “I saw a shark in the water, what if the shark eats our boat?!”
“No sharks can eat our raft,” Aurora reassured Neddy, “Sharks are friendly unless they think we’re prey.”
“Yeah and we’re on this giant attackable vulnerable raft…” Neddy replied queasily, “Definitely not prey.”
“Don’t be so paranoid, you may as well jinx us because of it,” Ruby warned Neddy.
“Right, sorry,” Neddy replied with a frown, “There’s nothing to worry about, right?”
“Yeah. Nothing to worry about. Jinxes and bad luck don't exist anyway,” Samuel declared.
With that, everyone boarded the raft, and with Samuel as their captain, they set sail for the river that leads to the Book Club…
“Smooth sailing so far,” Samuel replied as he pulled the lever a few times. Neddy was sitting criss-cross-applesauce and was peering into the deep blue sea. He was trying his best to observe the sealife down below. For some reason, the ocean surrounding the Island was crystal clear. This allowed Neddy to observe the fauna more easily.
“Woah! Are those Ichthyosaurus?!” Neddy gasped as he pointed at a bunch of dolphin-like creatures. Ruby giggled and put her chin on her fist. She was sitting next to Neddy and had her legs in the water.
“Aren’t those just dolphins?” Ruby asked curiously.
“Well, they can’t just be dolphins, after all, we’re on a-”
“Dinosaur infested island!” they both shouted in unison. The both of them laughed and hollered as they cried tears of joy. Star, on the other hand, was taking a nap next to Samuel, while Samuel’s raptor looked out into the open seas ominously, with a blank stare and a deathly grin.
Aurora, who was far away from the others, and looking out at the departing footpaw, sighed heavily as she fiddled with a strange necklace that was made of gold.
Ok so it was the the second day of play scorched earth with my friend and sister (both are bobs) and I decided that me and my sister should tame a lymantria so we set out to get some we ended up taming two named moon (mine) and lavender (my sisters). Cut to a few days later and I went to go on a scouting mission (I can’t remember why) and I took lavender with me as she was higher level then moon. I was by the mountains at red ob and I saw a level 100 argy so I landed on a ledge. My plan to tame it was to use lavenders fart gas to slow the Argy and knock it out. My friend was online and was making tranq arrows for the argy since I had none on me. Than I ,are a mistake while testing the fart gas I over shot the ledge a ran out of stamina and in true ark fashion I fell straight into a pack of carnos I ALMOST died and I got away but I didn't have that much stamina and couldn't make it to the ledge and fell and lavender died to fall damage. So there I was a a mountain right next to two thorny dragons, luckily my friend was on his with his dire wolf and my tek raptor. Once he got there I made a mad dash down the mountain and hopped on my raptor a killed the carnos that followed me. We didn't tame the level 100 argy but we did tame a level 95 and tamed it sand storm and tamed a level 60 so my sister wouldn’t rip me to shreds. I used that argy to tame a wyvren, so without lavenders sacrifice or my stupidity I wouldn’t be where I was today.