ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

It’s really slow, has no power or stamina, and leaves you after 30 minutes. Before you know it, it takes all your honey and leaves you with an oily rash that lasts for about six hours. Just like my ex.
these are temporary tamed they only stay tamed for 30 minutes then abracadabra... POOF. They’re gone just like my friends
Kill it these things are more usless than amber heard lawyers 👍
Will tame with honey, but nothing can hold down the magical liopleurodon and after 30minutes he'll fly away to candy mountain...
What they do is they improve the effectiveness of underwater drops (ONLY) for example befor taming this Dino youl get for example a primitive rocket launcher after taming youl get a astended rocket launcher and this buff last a quite a bit but the Dino despawns after 30 minutes and keep in mind he is one of the rarest creatures in the game so tame only when your in late game and being escourted my a mosa or somthing cause these guys are about as strong as my pinkey toe and they need giant bee honey to tame wich you need to find a active nest of bees break it down kill all the workers and tame the bee with kibb (THE QUEEN GIANT BEE IS THE ONLY WAS TO GET THE REQUIRED HONEY FOR THIS TAME)also keep in mind these bees are hella rare but not nearly as rare as the lioplerodon then when you have the lioplerodon you don’t wait any time sit on it and go get EVERY UNDER WATER DROP YOU CAN cause again these guys ugh expire after 30 minutes
Unfortunately this creature can only be tamed for 30 minutes. Studio Wildcard, I hate you.
It's a liopleurodon Charlie! A magical liopleurodon!
It'll show us the way! The way to candy mountain!
If u use the dino storage v2 mod and put them in the storage chamber after taming you can close out of the game and log back in and then they are a permanent tame!!! ☝️so people are aware of this bug!!
bro it's an instant tame with 10x balm and quetzel kibble ,take note quetzel kibble can also be fed to it I have a photo of it accepting quetzel kibble
If you attack this in the water, after a minute it will turn into a water tornado and disappear into thin air. Definitely based on a real dino
If you tame this, YOU HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!
Ran into one for the first time the other day, had no idea what it was so i paused the game looked it up in the Dododex. Oh it's not aggressive. IT'S VERY FREAKING AGGRESSIVE!
Nowhere do I read that these bastards are actually hostile!!!
Don’t expect any hugs from it.
fun facts:
-they can't be bred
-their tame time can be reset if you chronicle and revive them
-a megalodon saddle can be used on them
-if killed in one shot or if killed quick enough, they do drop megalodon teeth, but the item cache may despawn before you pick it up (if it did the escaping animation before you killed it)
-they attack ichthys (idk about other animals
-they are neutral to you
-if you punch it once than it will escape
-it can take a few bites from an ichthy before it escapes
Yes, it will disappear in 30 minutes. The point of taming is for the loot buff. When you tame you get a loot buff for 6 hours DO NOT FAST TRAVEL or you lose the buff. Go to let's say the swamp cave, have a tribe mate check the loot box, if it's garbage have the mate with the buff get close enough to change the loot from the lio buff. This is how you use this dino