ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I saw the animal’s shape and paused the game and got on Dododex. Didn’t find the animal. So I unpaused the game and went over there in my raft. Then I jumped in the water and saw this bio comin straight for meh I got on meh raft immediately and turned around as fast as I could but it didn’t take more than one bash for my raft to be destroyed. STUPID WHALE'!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More Leedsichthys Funny Tips
I used to play the old version of ark mobile over 2 years ago and encounters that I had with leedsichthys were passive. So when ever I rafted across the sea to herbivore island I never had any problems. Now I am playing the new version of ark mobile and I was going across the ocean like I used to do to herbivor island. Then I had a leedsichthy start to swim up. I thought it was weird but thought nothing of it until it attacked my raft nearly destroying everything. Thankfully I was able to load a save.
Once me and my friends were heading to our town on herbivore island, and then this thing comes. It's like out of Moby Dick. One of my friends shouted "ABANDON SHIP!" And jumped into the ocean, swimming to shore. Me and my two other friends stayed on the ship, with our rifles ready. Then my friend who abandoned us tried to help us by shooting the beast with a bazooka. He did manage to kill it, but he killed us and the raft too. We have since put handcuffs on him, and put him in our prison in the cave in carnivore island.