ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

To get a leech off of you, you need to create a fire and jump on the fire for a few seconds until the leech dies
If you're looking for leeches (to get leech blood) just listen, cuz they make a sound in the water when you're close to them (it sounds similar to someone making but bubbles inside the water). Everytime I go to the swamp i always find them quick and easy due to this and I hope this help other people too.
On the island there’s many outbreaks of “swamp fever”. You get Swamp fever by getting a infected leech stuck on you and TRANSFERRING NO longer Gets RID of SWAMP FEVER.
No latch onto Beelzebufos
These are in the swamp, they’re just super rare and you rarely will find them. They must be removed via campfire or cooking pot, same thing applies to dinos that aren’t native to the swamp.
I read on the ark wiki that they dont latch onto tames native to the swamp
Variants of leeches.
Normal leech (A green leech)
Info: (made by me) / They dont carry swamp fever but drains your stamina along your health. Make sure to get rid of em by using a cooking pot or campire (recommend campfire its easy to craft)
Deseased Leech (A red leech)
Info: They carry swamp fever so be carefull seing this variant. To cure the swamp fever use lesser antidote if you dont have.. you have no choice but to you nameless venom nameless venom can be dropped by nameless (his name is just nameless)
Drops (both variants): Raw meat, Hide (i think) and leech blood. (Deaseased leeches drop more leech blood.)
Uses of leech blood: Fishing (can attract pirana’s saber tooths’s and normal fish so highly reccomended for fishing. Amber is used too)
Up pls!
-Bob the itchyosaurus
Did you know you can tame these boogers with fish baskets they have no use but if you want go get one!
Fire doesn’t work to remove leeches anymore. Go to a tamed animal, open command wheel and click “hold to remove leech.”
The yutyrannus, not the rex, is your best friend for leech hunting. The leech is vulnerable to the fear roar, and the debuff reveals their location. This makes hunting them a simple errand. You'll collect so much leech blood you could start a swamp fever clinic.
Hi guys i read on google that if there is a leech already hanging from your body you need a fire or cooking pot to remove ... hope this helps - T♡
You can tame it, but you need a fish basket
Is it just me or is the picture of the leech getting bigger
Kill it >:)
And if ya wanna tame it fish basket
Up if u have kild a Leech when u r under lvl 37.
79.337 54.9 6.5 33.79.337 312.65 6.5
They can be only be tamed in a fish basket