ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a leech? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a leech.
If you're looking for leeches (to get leech blood) just listen, cuz they make a sound in the water when you're close to them (it sounds similar to someone making but bubbles inside the water). Everytime I go to the swamp i always find them quick and easy due to this and I hope this help other people too.
just walking around with a spino in the swamp could get you some kills but yuty is your best friend here
Did you know you can tame these boogers with fish baskets they have no use but if you want go get one!
You can tame it, but you need a fish basket
Is it just me or is the picture of the leech getting bigger
Kill it >:)
And if ya wanna tame it fish basket
Up if u have kild a Leech when u r under lvl 37.
79.337 54.9 6.5 33.79.337 312.65 6.5
They can be only be tamed in a fish basket
The leech page is getting bigger 😃😀😃😀😄😀😄😀😄😀😄😀
You can’t tame them on Mobile I really wanted to tame one but I couldn’t and I was on mobile
I tamed one and named it Clingy Clive... my sister got one and named it Grabby Geraldine. I almost got another and called it Dontcallmeoneofyourterriblenames.
You can only tame these creatures with a fish basket
The leech can get on your dino
to the guy who asked howto paint dinos in ark mobile go yo mortar and pestle and crush some ancient amber it will give potent dust colour the potent dust put in creatures inventory and boom its tainbow
To if your having your first leach and playing online or 2player get another player to hit you with a torch , it will remove it
If you ever encounter the leech just grab a sword.
To tame you need bug repellent and ghillie suit and fish baskets equip all and put fish baskets down as they swim past or near the basket use to catch they eat meat after tame no need to waste bloodpacks
Use a dire-wolf as sometimes knock back throws the leeches far from you, and the white cross shown while riding a wolf shows you where the bodies are.
Taming a leech is quite hard and I would recomend its taming using a flyer to be away frkm them while you use the fish basket
To tame you need fish basckets