ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
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If you're carrying a tamed Doedicurus in your claw the Doedic will automatically start harvesting any stones you hover him over. Just start pumping points into your Doedic's weight because it will stop at about half of its own carry weight. I've yet to discover another tame it will work with though...
Alright not exactly my tip, but heard this from the YouTuber pterafier. He said that using a Crab with a Turtle with C4 strapped on it is a good seige device. Put C4 on Turtle, then use Crab to throw the Turtle at a base. Detonate the C4, blowing up the base where the Turtle is at. I'd recommend watching Pterafier, he has a lot of tips on his channel.