ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Kaprosuchus are very easy to tame. I use only 10 Raw meat to a lv 2 kaprosuchus around 10-11 sec I Tamed it
More Kaprosuchus Utility Tips
They can carry most small annoying Creutures in their mouth and bite them to death without you or your kapro getting damaged, (dillos, terror birds, raptors, ect) but they can NOT carry alpha raptors. I've tried it and lost my best kapro, don't attempt it.
You can shoot with a pistol, rifle, etc on these things! They are also pretty useful for harvesting hide and raw meat. Pls like so the noobs can see. Ty!
These tames are good to defend your base leave several on the setting to attack anyone attacking your base because they can jump and dismount attacker I left some on the roof and they picked attackers off there flying tames and my turrets did the rest
If you ever find a guy who asks if you wanna get in a van heβs just a kapro in disguise
Mobile tamer:
Since it can pick things up, and has mounted combat. You can pick up small dinos, move them around and tranq them while in the kapro's mouth.
These guys are perfect for traveling around the map, you can jump off a cliff and not die with their leap attack. I have a level 8 I believe and have explored very far from my base, came back with a crap load of electronics and stuff from tek parasaurs I killed. Very useful and would recommend. To tame you just need to keep your distance from it and avoid its leap attack as best as you can, they don't run that fast so just shoot it with some tranq arrows till it's knocked out. ^so people see
They are really good for Trilobites. The pounce means they move very quickly on land and are fast swimmers. Once they grab a Trilobite they walk in a circle with them in there mouth till it dies. No more chasing them across the beaches.
florida pupper utility or roles
exploratioh mount (lvl weight n speed)
caving (speed and hp)
murder (dmg, hp)
Recommend murder cause of the grab
I think the devs should add a command for singleplayers that makes it possible for the Kapro to grab creatures on itβs own without attacking them, so the player can stand in front of him to knock the dinosaur out (as a command like you can activiate turret mode with the chalicotherium)
This is a very useful mount, especially in PvP. It has a special jump attack, which can grab players and hold them, or knock them of their mounts. It doesn't have much health though. It is fast on land and in the water, however increasing movement speed doesn't affect swimming speed.