ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Kairuku Utility Tips
Perhaps i belong on a war crimes list for this, but i have a male and female of these with breeding enabled in a building with a dimetrodon set to aggressive, the dimetrodon hatches the eggs with enough melee stat and then eats the hatched babies for an infinite polymer farm
Their sole purpose is to be killed for organic polymer, but you can tame and breed them for it:
Tame a whole bunch of them (you only need one male), and a dimetrodon and pelagornis.
Level the dimetrodon's melee damage a whole bunch and put it in a cage surrounded by penguins set to mating. Put the pelagornis in with them at set it to aggressive, the dimetrodon will incubate the penguin eggs and the pelagornis will immediately kill them when they hatch, free organic polymer factory.