c l u b p e n g u i n
Put a Santa hat on it and re name it Santa kairuku.tell your friends it's a new Christmas update for ark and watch them try and figure out how to get a penguin like yours.its funny.TRUST ME!
Updoot if you like this idea...have a great day
Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
I had a baby penguin called baba.
I liked baba.
But the raiders didn't.
Execute Order 66. Leave none alive
Smile and wave boys.. smile and wave
Me: Oh no I dropped my thing in the seatbelt hole.
Kairuku: old up I got a looong beak
These things drop yummy candy called organic polymer. The candy is so delicious that it takes you to heaven
I got one that was stubborn and wouldn’t listen to my whistles.
I named it Karen