Tales From the Arks Season 2 Chapter 9

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Tales From the Arks Season 2 Chapter 9

The Titan roared to life, awoken from its slumber it was ready for a meal and jerboas where on the menu. Radar stood next to grass covered in gasoline and lit it on fire. The flames erupted catching the ice titans attention.

Shadow: Now!

Shadow and Loki ran under the beast and grappled to the corruption, since it was corrupted and not part of it the Titan did not notice the jerboas. They began planting coating the corrupted spots with gunpowder, gasoline, and nitroglycerin which they stole from some colonists back at the genesis ship. Once the explosives had been planted they repelled and ignited it. Just as the fuse was about to reach the explosive materials the hail and snow hit the fuse and it was extinguished. Unfortunately this act had not gone unnoticed. The smoke rose and eventually filled the lungs of the Titan, it looked down and noticed the fuse. It roared and had soon spotted the jerboas. The jerboas met up in a small cave.

Radar:What went wrong! You said it would work!

Shadow: Well everything went well until the fuse went out. Your distraction worked-

Radar: Minus a bit of singed fur

Shadow: Walk it off. Anyways the distraction worked and caused you pain so double win. We planted the explosive materials and lit the fuse. But the weather took a meteor or in this case a hailstorm to our plan, literally.

Fuzzy: Hey guys-

Shadow: Shut up fuzzy the adults are speaking. Anyways we need a new plan

Fuzzy: Guys-

Loki: well the explosive materials are still there, if we lit an arrow on fire and made a bow we could ignite it

Fuzzy: Guys!-

Shadow: Perfect,

Fuzzy: GUYS!

Shadow: What is it fuzz-

Before shadow could finish her sentence an eye was staring at them through the entrance of the cave, the Titan had been aggravated and was ready to eat.

Thanks for reading this it truly means the world to me, I have nothing else to say. Bye everyone have a great day! -Harpocrates

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