ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

This isn't a question but can u tame this with berries cause it's saying u can't on my Dodex
More Iguanodon Taming & KO Tips
GUYS!!! #upgradedPARASAUR
•For a start, this thing is faster (has two speeds)
•It is a piece of cake to tame, just bola, then trank, or slingshot, or just give it a smack in the head. Feed it berries then protect it.
•Then, The iguanodon, just straight up looks cooler,
•it collect berries so easily, and even better, you tap it, and it turns all of you berries into seeds. EPIC 😱
•it’s health is fantastic. And it’s stamina INFINATE-ish
• it’s melee, not bad, just don’t battle anything more dangerous then a raptor, (unless you only focus you guy on melee, that’s a different story,)
•they gather thatch like a... well... they do it better then a pary.
•good names...
1. Pillow, (that’s the name of mine # 4 year old brother named it 😂)
2. Iggy, (Jk cringe 😬)
•thanks for reading
Bola it and them knock it out with a club
Or trank arrows.
Not much else to say...
🔼 so the noobs see
I pray this is on SE so I can use the carno and recreate my favorite movie. Dinosaur
Top 5 best abiliteys the Iguanodon can do!
1 they have infinite stanima!
2 they can jump high!
3 you can put berrys in their inventory and it will turn them into seeds!
4 if you need a beter parasaur, go tame these!
5 when they have a level up, level them up to movement speed, or melee damage. If you picked movement speed you will soon have a Lamborghini. If mele, then they can be combat creatures!
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Use this Dino to tell your friends just how awesome they are with a good old thumbs up
Iguanadons are so useful and easy to tame!!
•All you need is about 20-50 berries!
•Use about 3 tranq arrows to knock it out
•Go into its inv and give it the berries
•Boom you have an iguana!
•Iguanadons can turn any fruits into seeds
•Iguanadons can jump high!
•Iguanadons have two speeds: One is infinite stamina, and after you click the hit button you can jump with it but a bit slower and no infinite stamina
•Iguanadons are perfect Dino’s to send to fight! Easy to level up.
•Name ideas:
Alan, Berry, Diddy, Iggy, Lamborghini, Dot, Thumbs, Thumbs up, Thumb warrior
•How to level up:
I have mine almost at level 50 from these tips
•Kill a lot of dodos, small carnivores, carbonemys, and moschops.
•Normally level up by killing 5 carbonemys
•The Iguanadon is amazing for traveling:
•Can easily climb over mountains or steep hills
•Makes its own food
•Can kill almost any dinosaur that tries to eat you
•Fun to play thumb wars with, but watch out…
•Has fast attack speed + health
•Plenty of storage
Gets rare flowers to the point that they don't feel rare. Infinite stamina in run mode along with a good base weight, along with the ability to use tools on its back makes for an all purpose tame that makes the trike feel completely obsolete, cannot recommend enough.
They eat berries and is a fairly fast tame but however left unattended it will be killed. These dinos are highly targeted when they are unconscious.
How to tame an iguanodon:
1. Bring some bolas
2. After you find an iguanodon, throw a bola at it
3. Then start shooting it with a tranquilizing ammo like tranq arrows or certain darts.
4. After it's knocked out, feed it berries, veggies, or preferred kibbles.
Hope this helped!