Tips for taming an griffin in mobile

1. you need to be lvl 85+

2. you need 10+ allo kibble. If not enough 9 kibble and one prime meat will do

3. you need atleast one soothing balm or else you need over a 100 kibble

4. Do NOT use tranq arrows! You will kill it with arrows. Either darts or toxicant (but toxicant is the best of these 2)

5. you can trap a griffin like this: make a 2 by X big platform, place stonegates at every snap point, place 2 doorgates at the ends of each.

6. it has low stamina. I would recommend pumping stamina first and then attack.

These tips i got from more experienced player of the game and by myself. Pls like it so that everyone can see it

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