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My guide for Gigantoraptors

Getting max taming effectiveness on wild babies. For example, claiming a wild 150 and it will come out at level 225.

1. The easiest way is to breed a gigantoraptor and level it up with all 88 levels. Both taming effectiveness and number of levels for the gigantoraptor go into affecting the taming effevtiveness of taming wild babies. Hatched babies have a 100% taming effectiveness so the first half is complete, second is that you have to get all 88 levels.

2. If you can’t breed one then tame one and get max taming effectiveness and then all 88 levels. This will ensure that the babies get max taming effevtivenss.

Also you can skew the likelihood of the claimed wild baby’s stats. When claiming a wild baby, the stats will skew towards the highest stats of the giagsntorsptor. For example, say your gigantoraptor has a much higher melee stat than any other stat, then the claimed baby has a higher chance of the taming points in melee being the highest.

The bonded buff:

When an adopted game is fully bonded, when the gigantorsptor is in range, they will start to acquire a buff based on the number of kills the adopted Dino has. From 1-14 kills, the buff is called Alloparental pride or adopted Love, and from 15-25 (the max) it is alloparental fury or adopted rage. They are each indicated by a golden ring around the gigantiraptors neck for adopted love, and a red ring for adopted rage. The buff drops by 1 per every 30 seconds. Alloparental is what the gigantoraptor gets as it’s buff, where as the adopted ones are what the adopted creatures gets as a buff.

For each alloparental stack, the hihantoraptor gains 2% extra damage so it can max out at 50%, so a 100 melee gigantoraptor can do 150 melee at max buff. The gigantoraptor also gains a 1% experience bonus, maxing out at 25% extra experience. At alloparnetla fury it gains a 10% movement speed as well.

For the adopted Dino’s with the adopted buffs, the creature has 10% reduced incoming damage, so instead of taking 100 hp of damage, they’d take 90. This is doesn’t change with the number of stacks. And at adopted rage they also gain 5% extra damage, also not stackable.

If you plan on raising a boss fighting army, I’d recommend raising and bonding them with the gigantoraptor and bringing it to the boss fight alongside an yurt.

-also, there are other ways to stack the buff. If a baby becomes bonded, gigantoraptor gains 5 stacks (equivalent to 5 kills by the adopted Dino), when a bonded matures it gains 5 stacks, a bonded creature leveling up is 2 stacks, and if the bonded creature dies it equa15 stacks. This is inky for allopatental, so only for gigantoraptor.


Taming is pretty easy. You can get a gigantoraptor early game. The way I’d recommend is craft yourself a full pair of ghillie and tame the lowest level breeding pair of brontos you can find. You need to leave the eggs on the ground for the gigantoraptor adult to eat. It takes them a longer time to eat the egg depending on the quality of the egg, which directly correlates to the kibble tiers for eggs, meaning brontos are the best outside of yuty and egg tames like wyverns or rock drakes. They have to be fertilized. HOWEVER THIS IS NOT ALL. You can not actually tame the adult, only the baby, however they have the same stats, although the baby will have a different trait than the parent. You can not kill the adult and claim the baby, so make sure the adult isn’t killed or the baby is untameable. Once you find a nest get in all ghillie. Throw the eggs far from the nest while still being in range. From my tests, the farthest distance you can throw the eggs that the gigantoraptor adult will pick up is 80-90 meters from the nest. I’d recommend throwing them uphill of the nest with no obstacles in the way as this will allow you to see when the gigantoraptor has finished an egg. Before going to the eggs, the gigantoraptor will check the nest and make sure it’s okay, then go to eat. Then you must climb in the nest, and the baby will climb in. You must copy its move in the little timeframe above its head. I’ve noticed a bias towards the spin move. The baby will then leave the nest and return shortly to do again. After an egg is eaten the adult will walk back to the nest, at which point you must leave, hide a little distance away, until the adult leaves to eat. If it or the baby is agroed, the adult will leave the eggs and figh

Other useful tips

1. The gigantoraptor has to be at a higher level than the baby to carry it in its saddle and claim it.

2. When doing bonding, I recommend doing it in an early game area like the beach or shores as the hunts can be on almost anything, including alpha rexes and brontos. If your gigantoraptor is strong, I’d recommend the swamp due to its large number of easy to kill creatures, meaning that finding a target should be easy and likely so will killing it. Just be wary of going into too deep water as Baryonyx can stun you, and watch out for deinosuchus.

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