ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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I had a gigantopithecus called shiela and she was a good tame, then, I was chilling out and then we got attacked by microraptors and I was knocked off of shiela, she ran off to fight it and when I woke up she was gone, I have not seen her since, #pray for shiela, if you pray for her you get a cookie 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Journey Through All Creatures
Chapter 11: New Allies
Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC, and has a Prologue. Most chapters have more than two creatures in it. Last chapter in Giganotosaurus, next chapter in Iguanodon.
Section I, Part II begins here, and goes to Chapter 25.
On the dawn of a new morning, the light flowed over a mostly stone, metal-fenced base. It was Sodden’s newly upgraded base. There was a large breeding barn, dedicated to both raptors and Carchas. The barn was to the south of the gates, and stood as the wall between the base and the swamp. Sodden walked out of his base, stretching his arms, and went to the barn. He wore some metal armor, and was holding a bag full of meat that he had got the previous day. He had grinded for two weeks and had managed to get all the way to Level 57. He walked into the barn and poured the meat into the trough that was next to the door and just below the Carcha pen. Sodden tamed the male Carcha he found on the Giga mountain but didn’t get a chance to tame it that day because of the whole Giga thing. But he tamed the Carcha the next day and set up a breeding pen. He then walked to the raptor pen and took out his strongest raptor. He put a ascendant saddle on and hopped on. He ran out of the barn, closed the gates, and ran into the forest. After he left, a group of Rexes came by, with a bunch of people on them. “Oh. He already left. Should we catch him?” Someone said. The people shrugged. The person in the front sighed and said, “Let’s just let him do his thing, then we can talk.” The others nodded. They walked a little bit farther from the base, then hopped off their Rexes and set up a small campsite.
Sodden ran into the Redwoods after some time, ready to fight the monkey. A Gigantopitcheus. He saw one standing in a bush, picking off some berries. He used his spyglass to check the level, and it wasn’t a good level. Sodden whistled for his raptor to attack and then it jumped on the monkey. It screeched, trying to push it off, but the raptor was a very good level and was very well trained. It held the monkey down and kept biting it until it stopped breathing. The death message showed up on Sodden’s implant, and he clapped slowly. Then he got on his raptor and ran in the other direction. When he got back to his base, he saw some Rexes and a group of people there. “Hey! What’re you doing here?” Sodden said. Then someone stood up and walked to him. “Hello, Sodden. My name is Denine, and I am the leader of the tribe Nudon. We live close to the volcano, and neighbor Rod’s tribe. We have come today because we heard from someone who’s trying to escape the Assassin Tribe, or what’s called the C Tribe, that you are on a mission to both kill one of each type of creature across the Arks and also to find and destroy the Assassin Heart. She knows it’s not time for her to leave, so she thinks it’s good to have other tribes assist you.” The person said. “Oh. Hi, Denine. So I see you’ve met my friends. Yeah. It’d be good to have a tribe help me. I’ve got 10 caves to do, so we should probably…” Sodden said. “You don’t need to do all the caves. You can do the easy ones and we’ll take care of the rest. You can join our tribe, so that we have the capability to access your base.” Denine said. “Of course. I’ll do that. Yeah.” Sodden said in hestitation. “We’ll make sure Terad never finds out.” Denine said. “Okay. Yeah. I hope he never finds out. Well, I gotta get the hesperonis checked off.” Sodden said. “Done.” Denine said as she pointed to the left of Sodden, towards a hesperonis waddling away from the water. Sodden turned around and took out his shotgun. He then shot it in the head and it fell over. “Well… I’ve got more creatures to destroy.” Sodden said. “Well, finish it fast because we’re getting ready to go to the lower south cave. You gotta come.” Denine said. Sodden nodded and then walked to the dock, which was to the left of the base. He whistled for his ichthty to come. “You may want to look away while I do this.” Sodden said to the creature. He took out a paper and put it hard on the eyes of the ichthy. Then Sodden held out some raw meat and a itchthy came over. Sodden took out a crossbow and pulled the trigger. After the bow went off, Sodden’s implant dinged with a death message saying that he had killed an Ichthyosaurus. He went out of the water and aimed his crossbow at a nearby ichthythornis. He shot the arrow and it pierced the bird’s wings, and it fell into the water and drowned in seconds. Sodden then took the paper off of his itchthyosaurus and ran to Denine. “Okay, now I’m ready.” Sodden said. “Okay. That base is going to be ours when you join. We will have access to your tames. We will see any and all messages sent by our implant, and any death messages that appear will be seen by everyone.” Denine said. “You will not regret this. I have some great tames in there.” Sodden said as he pointed to his barn. “Well, okay.” Denine said. Then she sent a message to Sodden requesting that he join the tribe of Nudon. Sodden clicked his implant and the request was accepted. Then someone came from behind Denine. “Hey, dude. We’re happy to assist you in… what’re you calling this mission?” The person said. “Yeah… that’s Red. He likes to name every single journey we go on.” Denine said. “Yeah. Your mission needs a name. Not one too obvious, but not too suspicious.” Red said. “Hmm. Well… I am hunting one of each creature. Across every Ark.” Sodden said. “I have the perfect name. The mission is known as: The Journey Through All Creatures. Or in short, the JTAC. We’re happy to assist you in your journey. Now come meet our Rexes.” Red said. He grabbed Sodden’s arm and dragged him to the Rexes standing behind everyone. “The one Denine rides is our strongest Rex. His name is Cato. We named him after the wild Theris.” Red said. “He has a whole storyline with Cato.” Denine chuckled. “Yeah. Once upon a time…” Red said. “Guys! I would love to hear about your story, but we should get going.” Sodden said. “Oh, yeah. Right. Let’s go.” Red said. He hopped on a Rex just behind Cato. “By the way, my Rex’s name is Dread. I named him that because of his little… rampage when he hatched.” Red said. “Okay. I’m going to get my dude.” Sodden said. He ran to the barn and came out shortly after with his Carcha. The group gasped. “I got this dude at Level 25. I did tame another at a lower level, but we don’t think about that.” Sodden said. “Okay. Bring him with us. Let’s do this.” Denine said. “Yeah.” Sodden said. He got on the Carcha and the others climbed onto their Rexes. Then they all walked south through the jungle.
The next chapter will have a cave and multiple creatures in it
Long one coming…
I had a gigantopithecus I name him jimmy. He was a cute guy.
I was on a pvp server and then I put the ark birthday hat on him. I thought it made him even cuter. But then some person killed jimmy! (But I forgave them because they gave me a Rex and quetzal) 1like=1ripforjimmy
A while ago when I was lv45, I grabbed my crossbow, some berries and set out on camouflage, my pteranodon. I haven’t lved my pteranodons stamina for a while so he got tired fast and started landing down on a cliff right to the entrance to a redwood. I was feeding him and waiting till I could ride him again when out of nowhere was a whole NEST of titanboas!!!! 😱 they started attacking my pteranodon and I tried to fly away but he was too tired and wouldn’t fly so they killed him and came for me, I ran into the redwood and bumped into a giant, The Titanboas were still coming so I went behind him and hoped the titanboas would kill him, but the giga roared and killed all the titanboas, I was so happy and relieved I tamed and named him Michigan Jackson 😄 up for Michigan, who saved my life! ✊
I had a monke. Her name was fronke. We would go on raids on carno Island all the time. Until one day... an alpha carno spawned at carno Island. She killed it, but was at 1/4th of her health. Raptors dismounted me when I was fighting the alpha carno and I died. I respawned. I looked at my tame slots. 38/40. One missing. She was dead. She will never be forgotten.
The Obelisk
The naming contest has begun! Check Snail section for details if you haven’t already
-Chapter 50-
“Wakey, wakey! It’s time for breakfast, ya’ll!”
The cell was already filled with light by the time Forest managed to pry his tired eyes open. The tall Terror bird named Quake stood outside the bars, sneering pridefully as usual. He was one of the main soldiers to guard the prison, so Forest had seen him quite often.
“Tough night?” He asked haughtily.
Nyx forced herself to stand. “Yeah.”
“Guess we had a lot on our minds,” Spark said. “You know, after speaking with the Emperor.”
“Hmmmm,” said Quake, sounding interested and bored at the same time. “We’ll, anywho. My friend Tawny said, that the General said, that the Emperor said, you five have been granted full-stomach meals! How lucky can you be?”
He continued on, making his voice sound more and more mocking. “It’s stupid though. You’re our prisoners. You shouldn’t be treated as guests! But, tsk, gotta listen to the boss! So—“ he slinked out of sight, and moment later, reappeared with a dead hawk dangling in his jaws. He tossed it through the bars. “There you go!”
“What—“ Crimson stared down at the pathetic piece of prey, which had landed by her feet. “This—This isn’t even enough for one of us!”
Forest glanced down at the dead hawk, then to the grinning Terror bird. Crimson was right.
“That’s one heck of a meal,” Quake exclaimed, ignoring Crimson. “Hope you’re hungry!” He turned to walk away.
“Stop!” Forest yelled. He immediately shut his mouth, realizing what he’d said.
Quake turned his head slowly to Forest. “Stop?” He giggled quietly.
“You can’t disobey your leader,” Forest choked out.
Quake gave him a pitying look. “Just because I'm a soldier, doesn’t mean I have to do everything he says,” he hissed. “I do what I want. Try to stop me.”
“We’ll tell the Emperor!” Rust barked.
“No, you won’t,” Quake said.
“We will,” Crimson growled. “We’ll tell him what you’ve done, and how you’ve disobeyed his orders.”
Quake casually turned around, giving Crimson a cold stare. He inched closer to the bars. “Ahhhh, I see. You five seem like all logical group. So tell me: who would the Emperor believe? An imprisoned gang of juveniles, or one of his most loyal soldiers?” He smiled. “Nice try. But it ain’t gonna work.” He marched away.
“What took you so long, Quake?” Demanded a female voice from outside the cells.
“Ah, you know,” said Quakes vioce, “just a little quarrel with the prisoners about their meals.”
“What'd they complain about now?” Asked the second soldier.
“Just the type of food they were getting. No big deal,” he then added, “you know how juveniles are.”
“Yeah.” The second snorted in agreement. “Typical juveniles. Always want more salt or pepper, no matter how much you give them.”
“‘But sir, I wanted dark meat!’” Quake said in a high pitched, mocking voice. The second barked a laugh.
“We didn’t say that,” Nyx whispered. “None of us said that!!”
Forest nudged her side reassuringly. “No, we didn’t.”
“He’s so mean,” Nyx whispered.
A screech was heard outside, and the female Terror bird said, “come on, time for patrol.” And the two left the prison.
A moment passed. Forest turned to look at his friends.
“Guess we should eat,” Rust said softly. “Should we share it or—“
“I’m not hungry,” Forest said, praying silently that his stomach wouldn’t growl. “You guys can have it.”
“I’m too angry to eat,” Crimson snapped, turning to storm off into the corner of the cell.
“So for just us three, then,” Nyx said, looking down at the hawk.
“Crimson, Forest, you sure you don’t want any?” Spark asked.
“I’m good,” Forest said.
“I’ll just wait till the next meal comes in,” Crimson mumbled. “Stupid terror birds.”
“Ok then,” Nyx said. She held out oen talon to carefully slice her price of the hawk, but as her claw cut through, she gasped with horror and flinched back.
“What?” Rust asked.
Forest spotted the hawk. A potent, terrible smell filled the air, and bright yellow maggots fell form is die the bird. Nyx scraped her claws on the rock below her, looking ill.
Forest stared down at the rotting insides of the prey. Quake hadn’t just given them a small bird—he’d specifically given them a rotting one.