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A noob and a pro are walking around the Arctic region

Pro:(shoots a sabortooth) “this is a sabortooth tiger”

Noob:” yawn…when we get see cool tings?”

Pro: “um” (shoots purlovia) “this is a purlovia”

Noob: “I see better…”

Pro: (shoots a whoolly rhino) “THIS is a whoolly rhino!”

Noob: “eh…”

Pro: “does anything here impress you?!”

Noob: “oooo,wat dat ting over dere?!”

Pro: “that’s a giga and ima just walk away…”


Pro: (jumps onto his argy nearby and starts singing while noob get devoured by giga)

🎶”Dumb ways to die,so many dumb ways to die…dumb ways to die-ie-ie so many dumb ways to die…”🎵

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