ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Encountering Tips

How do I kill a forest titan? forest titan battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
Kill it with fire or call the guardians of the galaxy to take groot
Easiest kill of all titans 400 metal arrows from a 200% comp bow and 45 min use the forest wyverns to finish it if you fall a bit short have 4 beds near it “I didn’t die once” can drop quality tek and Mek part bps
You encounter this NO WAY OF SURVIVAL unless you burn it with a dragon oh sorry pet dragon
this thing is a giant tree trunk bred with groot. Groot did find a hot girlfriend.
Use a chainsaw and cut dem legs off
Can be killed with 2 managarmr’s & a snow owl.
Have atleast 2-3k Stam on managarmr’s spam ice beam then hop on forest drake kill trees rinse and repeat.
If dmg’d heal with owl, & make a bed near just in case.
I would bring some gigas and a yuty I destroyed that boss in like a minute using these
You can kill this with a single stego. Xbox LT or RT on its foot when the cross hair is red and watch it’s health drain.
Use wyverns they help u can make him charcoal
I killed it with 1 managarmr by jumping into him with the ice beam and then doing the air dash into him it took a while but it worked
8 gigas will kill it with no problem!
Get 5 trillion rock drakes & naked zombo also two beds and click up for this .
He is slow but has long range attacks
Forest titan is of of 3 special bosses you can either tame it or kill it you have to kill it to summon king titan or you can tame it as a temporary tame by destroying all corruption on its body hurting it will decrease taming effectiveness
When groot finds the shelf of steriroids
Cause mass deforestation and don’t donate to team trees.
Use just a Stego(10k Hp) and impale the ForestTitan
Its rigtht click on PC (dont know on ps4).
One mech and Giga did very well. Gigas stats were 1000% mele and 100k hop idk mech stats 30k hp and 1,000 damage output not percent