ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Freezing tales
Chapter 1
The hunters were plowing through the snow, hoping for shelter on the mountain peak. A sudden wind hit them, sending one survivor close to the edge of the mountain cliff. The others quickly ran to save him, the one with a ferox on his shoulder arriving first to the other’s aid. He held out his hand, as the troubled survivor grabbed the wrist, holding on tight.
“Come on! More assistance here!” He shouts to his comrades, who quickly scurried to help. They pulled and after three minutes of hard work, they pulled the survivor.
“Whoosh! That was a close one!” Another hunter says, grabbing the sword on his back, then pointing it towards a rex that had just left it’s safe haven. The others grabbed they’re weapons too, pointing them towards the rex. ROAAAR!!!
“That’s more of a defensive roar, right?” One hunter with a crossbow, says.
“Yeah! We should turn around! Flames are coming from the cave!” Another hunter says. And very well. From the cave, massive flames emerged. And out, comes a alpha rex, staring into the eyes of the hunters. They all run, one even leaping from the cliffside, being caught by the hunters argentavis. Another threw out a cryopod, containing a thylacoleo, which he jumps on. Leaping of the cliffside, his thyla digs it’s claws into the mountainside, sliding down slowly. The others ran down the path they came from.
My life as an Ark Noob: chapter 7
As the days went by Roy started to wonder where Blake and everyone else was taken. Roy decided to make a makeshift camp to prepare to follow the faded raptor tracks. First he made a bow and 20 arrows. He then coated the arrows with juice from the strange black berry's that made him fall asleep. He made some clothes annd a bola and set out. As Roy followed the raptor tracks he saw a brilliant flash of green light. He thought that it came from the direction of the giant floaty green thing in the sky he started sprinting toward the flash. As he stopped to rest he heard a snap behind him. He turned around he saw a raptor. The raptor tried to pounced on Roy but he was to fast. Roy threw his bola at the raptor and hit him square in the chest . He then started to shoot the raptor with the arrows . After 12 arrows the raptor fell asleep. Roy killed a nearby dodo and gave the meat to the raptor. When the raptor awoke it nuzzled into Roy’s side. “I’ll call you bolt!” Roy said to his raptor. Bolt motioned for Roy to get on his back. And thus the new duo set of toward the obelisk.-Ember
Thanks for reading next in Hati and Skōl first in andrewsharchus
I used the fjordhawk to tp from a bed to a different bed and he never came to me I was so confused and I lost all my stuff I think it was a bug Its sad I had a level 250 poison zombie wyvern with cool colors and 15 to 25 cryopods and a bunch of stuff.
Please I just want to let people know I don’t care about the votes I hope wild card can fix it!
Freezing tales
Chapter 2
The hunters had escaped the alpha rex, and found cover for the night. But the howling wolfs were after them, ready to rip them apart. The leader of the hunters, who had a spear tipped with the teeth of a rex, was concerned. But not for himself, but his men.
“Men! I’ll patrol the area! Get your creatures ready! We will need to flee!” He said. The hunters nodded, grabbing they’re cryopods, clenching they’re fists, getting a tight grip on the pods. The leader walked out of the cave, the sun shining down on his hat, that of being a wolf head. His brown hair fluttered in the wind, as he clenched his fist around his spear.
“God… we really got to go!” he mutters to himself, looking towards a pack of wolf riding hunters. He ran into the cave, ordering his men to saddle-up, and ride away towards safety. They left the cave, riding they’re creatures, having they’re weapons out in-case of danger. They rode towards the non snow covered part of the ARK, hoping they would be safe there. They escaped the danger, and then they found a village, where they got to move in, build they’re own houses, and become a-part of the village culture. The leader of the hunters, got married with the village princess, starting a blood-line of hunters mixed with skilled gunslingers. From the west, many years later, a blood-line called “the raptor-ians” arrived at the village, and the leader of the hunting pack, married the new princess. Thus, another tribes blood entered the royal families blood-line. One hundred years later, a male warrior in the village was born, that warrior was known as “Komivara” or “Komodovari”! But he was not pure hearted, unlike a natural born hunter, who’s life from now on, will be this stories main part!
Ps, this is a maid up map that is almost fully covered in snow, (except for the beaches) has an aberration area containing reaper king and queens, a bunch of special creatures that will be named throughout the story, a volcanic area, a redwood area and finally twelve separate caves, containing artifacts. So now you know about the map I maid-up for this story!
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 24: Carnotaurus Carnage
Part 2/3
“You heard all of that?” Samuel gasped with wide eyes.
“Of course I did. Neddy’s snoring kept me up for a bit before I was even able to get to bed, that loud mouth!” Ruby glared while clenching her fist.
“Shouldn’t you be more concerned about your boyfriend Neddy than my affairs?” Samuel asked with anger.
“Uh, he isn’t my boyfriend,” Ruby laughed nervously, putting her hands in her pockets, “Where’d you get that from? Ben or something? You know you can’t trust that guy, he doesn’t know nothing about love!”
“I just want to know why you want to meddle in my business.”
“No reason, I just think it spices things up a bit, you know? Sometimes life isn’t about fighting dinosaurs. Sometimes it’s about the juicy drama and gossip,” Ruby said while putting her hands in her pockets.
Something about that last sentence made Samuel uncomfortable, because it reminded him of Nova.
“That does sound pretty cool, but things will be so boring now! We won’t see any more school fights or get any juicy gossip!” Nova had complained at the graduation ceremony.
“Cat got your tongue?” Ruby teased, “I see that look on your face. Aurora would have never fallen if it weren’t for you. You did something to make her fall in love with you.”
“I highly doubt it,” Samuel replied, blinking his eyes and wiping sweat off his face, “I did nothing. It was all on her own accord.”
“Well maybe you did do something. You just don’t know it for sure, because you’re a freak who’s never felt love before,” Ruby said, “No offense. That’s just the vibe I get from you.”
“Ouch, dude,” Samuel replied, his eyes darting to the jungle floor.
“Well, you know what they say,” Ruby added on, “Love is blind.”
“That’s not what the saying means,” Samuel quickly shot back, “Love is blind states that whenever we love someone, we don’t see any flaws within them-”
“Oooooooooh,” Ruby said while pointing her finger at Samuel, “I guess you DO know something about love. I guess you are a player. Or maybe, maybe you really do like Aurora but are too afraid to do anything about it-”
“SHUT up,” Samuel shouted back, “Just because I know about it doesn’t mean I partake in those activities. So LEAVE it be.”
“Uhhh, what was that?” Ruby asked as white washed over her face.
“Might be what we’re looking for,” Samuel replied. He dived into a bush, “Take out your crossbow just in case.”
Ruby reached for the crossbow that was attached to a quiver on his back and took it out. She nocked a few arrows dipped in a special narcotic that could knock any creature out unconscious. Then she hid behind a tree, pulling the string back.
“What is it, Samuel?” Ruby whispered as softly as she could.
“It’s what we’re looking for,” Samuel muttered.
Standing in the distance was a giant, horned beast with stubby arms and thick, powerful legs. Its tail swished back and forth as it walked around, looking for something to hunt and kill for its next meal. Its jaws looked like that of a pug and it had two short horns planted on its head. It was a sort of greenish-white, its skin making it partially blend in with the jungle.
“Okay, shoot your shot,” Samuel replied, “It doesn’t even know we’re here.”
Wordlessly, Ruby aimed her crossbow at the head of the Carnotaurus and pressed the trigger. Swoosh! The arrow pierced the jaw of the beast, and it let out a roar and began to run around frantically.
“Nice, but I think you need to shoot it a few more times,” Samuel suggested. Ruby aimed again, and shot another arrow. Pew! The arrow hit the beast’s torso, and now it was getting aggravated. It began to ram trees down in an attempt to find the attacker. Too bad for the stupid beast its foes were from a far and safe distance that it would never be able to spot it.
Yet despite this it still continued to run amok.
“Wow, this thing still hasn’t gone down yet. Shoot it one more time,” Samuel said. Ruby nodded, aimed at the Carnotaurus one last time, and pressed the trigger. Wew! Plick! One more arrow, and the Carnotaurus began to show signs of drowsiness. It stumbled around, until at last it collapsed to the ground.
Ruby pumped her fist in the air.
“Yes, I did it!”
The two slowly approached the fallen beast, and sure enough it was knocked out cold. It was breathing slowly, but who knew how long it’d take before it’d wake up? They would have to feed it fast. Samuel and Ruby took out slabs of raw meat from their pouches and began to feed it to the Carnotaurus.
For the next few minutes, they kept on feeding it and feeding it, until eventually the beast’s eyes shot open. Ruby let out a gasp and tripped backwards, but as the Carnotaurus got back on its powerful legs, it didn’t seem to pose any threat to them. It walked forward and sniffed Ruby’s face a little, before sneezing all over her like some sort of dog.
Protectors of pandora (this is book 2 book 1 starts in allo, havent said that in a bit so thought I’d put it in)
Chapter 33 ~
They woke up before sunrise so they could beat the heat, Caesar was quiet while they packed up camp. Jaxz broke the silence by asking, “you ok boss?” “No, I haven’t got a nights rest since we got here, every night it’s the same…” Caesar replied. “Salizar?” The chief asked. “Yes Joey, Salizar.” Caesar said with a hint of a smile. “Ay! Thought we were done with that gag..” The chief said. “Not a chance.” Caesar said. “Anyway…” the chief said, changing the subject, “we’ve got a lot of ground to cover, I think we are all packed let’s get a move on before the sun rises.” He said. With Bones’s platform saddle being destroyed they had to walk, it was a long exhausting walk. They had to trek about 10 miles then they had to cross an acid waist, then more walking, then a pool of molten oil, and then, well, you get the point. They had just crossed over a pit of lava when Caesar spotted something, it was a massive drill perched diagonally on the volcano, it was inactive but from the looks of it it was still operational. “Well, we know what’s annoying the magmasaurs…” Caesar said. “Oi what’s that over to the left of it?” Birch said pointing to a large rock protruding off of the side of the volcano, it appeared to have lots of foliage and what looked like a house. “No idea… let’s see if anybodies home.” Caesar said. They started to ascend the volcano, unfortunately Bones had to stay behind, the cliff was too steep. Jaxz flew up ahead of the apes to scout, he then flew over to Caesar wile he was climbing and reported, “there’s definitely a house up there, but I don’t see any humans.” “NOO!” “No what?” Caesar asked. “I didn’t say no..” Jaxz said. “NO!” “Seriously who is yelling no?!” Caesar shouted angrily. “I don’t hear anything..” Jaxz said. “if you go up there.. you’l- you’ll die!” Salizars disembodied voice said. “Oh shut up Salizar.” Caesar said looking at his currently green implant, “Jaxz can you fly me up to the top?” He said. “Sure.” Jaxz said. He picked Caesar up in his arms and flew up to the rock. “Oh sure, we’ll just keep climbin..” a gigantopithicus with a Scottish accent said(his name was Oak)
Jaxz and Caesar made it to the top and landed, it was quite peaceful up there, lots of plants and even a pond, they approached the house cautiously (more of a large cabin really) They looked at each other and Caesar reached out to the door. he knocked, and then they heard a confused voice say, “hello?”
The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 24: Carnotaurus Carnage
Part 1/3
“The plan is for four of you to go out in pairs to tame these creatures that I’m sure will aid us greatly,” Skyler explained while sitting down on a log, “Samuel, Ruby, Ben, and Gary are going to go out.”
Neddy raised his hand.
“Hey, what about me? I wanna go too,” Neddy volunteered.
“Yeah, let him come with us!” Ruby pleaded with Skyler. Skyler shook her head.
“No. Neddy is going to be tasked with something else. You are going to help scout out the surrounding area for us with Aurora. Where’s Aurora?”
“Aurora’s sick,” Ben interjected while tossing a rock up and down, “So she’s going to be sleeping in.”
“Psh. Okay, whatever. I would’ve wanted her to go with Neddy to help chart the area and navigate,” Skyler sneered, “But that’s fine. Neddy will just stay behind and help defend the camp from aggressive dinosaurs.”
“But why can’t Neddy come with us?” Ruby asked with anger in her voice.
“Because it doesn’t make sense for him to go with you,” Skyler replied while rolling her eyes, “Samuel and Ruby will go out to find a Carnotaurus or two. Horned, beasts with stubby arms and powerful pug-like jaws. If you travel into the jungle I’m sure you’ll find them easily.”
“What? But why do I have to go with Samuel?!” Ruby complained.
“Because, his smarts combined with your crossbow will allow you to knock out that Carnotaurus faster. The Carnotaurus are fast and dangerous, which is why I’m tasking you two for that creature. Besides, where Ben and Gary are going somewhere else.”
Skyler walked up to Ben and Gary.
“You two will be going to the swamp, where the Kaprosuchus lurks beneath the waters. A crocodilian-like creature, it might be able to ambush you very easily. But I know you two can easily domesticate it with your abilities.”
“The swamp? Isn’t that place really dangerous?” Samuel asked as he crossed his arms.
“Yes, but there’s a reason I’m putting you in pairs and there’s a reason I’m sending Ben and Gary only to the swamp,” Skyler shot back.
“It’ll be fine, Samuel, and Skyler is right. If we bring more people we can’t guarantee we don’t come out without casualties,” Ben added on. He clenched his fist, and vines began to grow out of his sleeve and ensnare his limb.
“Plant manipulation. It’s very useful in the swamp, where there’s algae and weird plants all over the place,” Ben replied, “That’s how I found you and your group so fast. I took the swamp. Don’t sweat it, Samuel, we can take it from here.”
“Well what are you all waiting for? Make a move on already!” Skyler barked. With that, the four took their leave to domesticate these prehistoric beasts.
“Ughh, it’s so hot here in the jungle!” Ruby groaned as they tread through thick foliage.
“Quit complaining. And stop talking, that’ll only make you thirstier,” Samuel glared, “Or you can take a berry break. You know those berries have a good amount of water in them.”
“I might as well,” Ruby grinned as she reached into her pouch.
While Ruby snacked on dozens of berries, Samuel leaned against a thick tree and couldn’t help but wonder about Skyler, and most importantly her implant attribute.
“We never told Skyler our implant abilities, yet somehow she knows about them already?” Samuel wondered as he peered into the sky. He could see a Pteranodon flying overhead, “It doesn’t make sense. But it’s the least of my worries. I still need to find Tiffany, and fast. I hope she isn’t dead.”
Samuel considered asking Aurora to help draw a map, that way Samuel would know which areas to scout out in hopes of finding this mystery lady, but considering what happened last night it didn’t seem very appropriate…
“I’ll leave her alone for now,” Samuel thought with guilt on his face, “I hope she doesn’t hate me too much for what happened. I’d hate losing an ally like her.”
“Alright, I’m done!” Ruby interrupted Samuel, “Let’s get a move on.”
The two continued trekking into the jungle, until eventually Ruby gave Samuel a big grin.
“So. Wanna tell us why you did what you did last night?” Ruby giggled with a grin, “I didn’t know you were such a player. I thought you liked Aurora.”