ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Probably feed it element ONLY in a 50/50 situation.
More Ferox Utility Tips
Female can not reproduced unless fully addicted to element. Much like my mom's step mom
Little info/guide over his skills&more:
The ferox is one of the best creatures in genesis&ark
You can breed it to a rly good beast that kills very much XD
:&You can give them head gears that looks suuper awesome XD(little tipp: clownmask,gasmask,deasert hat,ghillie, these are my favorite)
:You can climd with it(big trees in bog biom very nice)
:/throw other little creatures in the air(you can even throw golems away lol XD)
:throw stones with area dmg
:& with repeated jumps you jump soo far&are faster than all animals
:you can even dive with it,
:& the coolest thing,you can make repeated jumps in the water like an manta so your even in water very fast its so crazy
This creature is amazing so cool so funny my absolutly favorite
Push it 4 other people so they can see this little info
Have a nice day ;)
When breeding, not only does the female need to be at 95% addiction, the male needs any percentage of addiction or else the gestation bar will auto reset and no baby will appear. Tested this just now. Up mote to help stop the misinformation being spread.
1: get elment from H-L-N-A
2: get a cross bow and grappling hook
3: find a Ferox
4: feed the Ferox the element and grapple on the ceiling
5: rinse and repeat until tamed
(Note that the knock out tame is a GLITCH so please tame it the proper way)
Breeding: you need to Ferox's opposite genders, get them to 100% addiction and then enable mating
Thanks for reading and your welcome
Ferox are amazing for travelling, they take no fall damage, can climb and scale walls, has a jumping boost if you time the jumps right upon landing, do good damage and if you take to extinction they can harvest the lampposts for element dust and are good for farming corrupt nodules!
Ferox pregnancy took about 10h 30 mins also at 100% addiction they get 200% dmg increases 50% attack speed 25% dmg reduction
for anyone who wanted to know that
Careful when feeding them element because he might get angry, and you donβt wanna see him angry when he gets too addicted!
Element is basically like a drug to it. An overdose might end in death. Your's not the Ferox's.
Whoever said "they poop small amounts of element dust" no offence but they don't poop that they dig it up out of the ground
-do NOT feed after midnight
-do NOT let it touch water
-do NOT let it in lights (direct sunlight kills it)