ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I’m playing scorched earth but I can’t find any of them, please help
More Fasolasuchus Taming & KO Tips
Ark Logic at its fullest:
Find a nice fasola house, bomb his home until he comes out and is dazed. Then jump on his back and crack his head into rocks until he is asleep. (Knock some sense into him) Then while he is asleep shove meat down his throat until he loves you and will risk his life for you.
Makes perfect sense
If you attach a torch to your belt then fly into the pile of dirt it works like explosives but a lot cheaper.
To knock it out, use any sort of explosive (Grenades are cheap and have early unlock) and throw it at the Fasola while it's underground. It will look like a pile of sand and shouldn't react if you go up to it.
As soon as the explosion goes off, run up to the Fasola and mount it. You only have a few seconds to do this. Once you're on, try to find any nearby rocks/bones/etc and run into them. Every rock you hit will increase torpor and control. If control runs out, you will be dismounted.
DO NOT GO ON CLIFFS !! If the Fasola goes into the air at all, you will automatically dismount and lose all progress. Depending on your rates, it could take a long time to gain enough torpor.
TL;DR : Explode it, mount it, hit rocks, avoid cliffs.
-OtterWithATophat :D
Update 1: With the addition of the dossier, we now have a better idea of how this thing will be tamed. It appears to be a mix of a “heavy” knockout tame (think kark, titano, rock golem) and a “riding” tame (like equus and ESPECIALLY voidwyrm). The dossier states that you must “soften it up with explosives,” before hopping on and steering it into a rock. Based on this, it appears that the taming process involves using explosive weapons to damage it to a certain threshold, allowing us to hop on its back and ride it for some time. We will then have to seek out a solid obstacle (like the aforementioned rock) to crash it into, likely inflicting torpor on it (it’s immune or heavily resistant to tranqs from what the dossier says). This process will likely have to be repeated until the big gator is downed, at which point it will likely be the standard “feed while it’s down” process. The dossier makes no mention about sacrificing armored tames to it, so this part of the original concept was likely scrapped.
Thank you for reading! Keep in mind that this probably won’t be entirely accurate to its actual release, but it should give a general idea on what to expect.
- Phantom
When trying to knock it out steer it to the salt rocks, they give alot more torpor than normal rocks
On aberration, it spawn at surface.
While taming: Do not try to drive into the middle inner land parts. Stay in the dunes and search for Salt Rock groups. Hold your map open while driving, you can see the areas on it. It is more than 10x faster than trying to hit normal rocks at the dunes edge. Also you will not get dismounted with this way.
The type of rock really matters! If you are able to locate Crystal or metal nodes then make sure to hit those as it gives more torpor!
Be prepared for this one. I brought 14 grenades, tent, multiple water sources, and had a buddy bringing extra food and refilled canteens out for me. 150 took me about 2 hours to drop with storms causing me to take breaks. Please over prepare when you set out to tame, this one is not quick.
On 1x a 150 takes 16 exceptional kibble or higher variant.
3x is 6 exceptional kibble.
Best method to tame is pre plan your route placing markers on the map for bones, sulfur and salt nodes. Do not hit the rib cages or skulls as they can’t be broken and have a likely chance to push you up and out of the ground which will knock you off of the faso. When you are about to fill the torpor to the max start pushing the controls for jumping and running as there is a chance you will be stuck inside the faso when it falls asleep. I suggest bringing 10 c4 if that’s what you are using and a wyvern on passive. Place c4 then whistle follow on the wyvern and detonate the c4. Repeat until tamed. And good luck everyone