ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Funny Tips

What are some funny jokes or stories about the equus? Funny equus jokes submitted by ARK players.
Hello. This is a story.
So I had an equus, a level 60something. His name was owl. He was imprinted 100 percent! So I decided to go to the redwoods with him.(Bad idea). I was being chased by raptors, and I stopped so I could look to see if they were still there. They were. I was ambushed, and tackled. I was thrown off him. He stood there, being killed. I slash killed the raptor on me and went to go save him, but it was too late. He died. I vowed from then on to kill all raptors anywhere. I will now tame a pair of griffins, and breed them. I will color the baby all white and name it owl in his honor. His grave still stands in my base today.
I once incountered this wild creature. It ate the flowers in my garden. I then named it mystery and took it to work with me. My boss made me get rid of it after it injured a customer, so I secretly hid it under the counter. When it said, "weezna" my boss descovered it and made me release it back into the wild.
If you are bored, i have a fun halloween idea for multiplayer servers (SP works too though)
1. Tame Equus
2. Dye it really dark black
3. Equip saddle (dyed black)
4. Get sword, dye silver
5. Get really dramatic, scary armor, dye black
6. Equip implant skin if possible, preferably the lightning one and vampire eyes
8. Mount equus(even better if it rears up and winnys)
9. Draw sword and charge at player so they see you
10. Become the headless horsemen 🤣
If you do this right, you will become the headless horsemen of your server. I hope you scare the heck out of someone woth this 😂
Equus on the ground
Equus nowhere to be found
I grab my agry
And fly high
With watchful eyes in the sky
Oh look!
A pretty Equus
But oh no
Whats this?
A pack of Allos
With hunger in their eyes
‘That Equus look divine’
With loud Munching sounds
The poor little equus fell to the ground
No more sounds of equus neighs
So i will look another day