Fun fact: the first one I tamed was the uni

Anyways, after my tip to taming (mine says things to note and cage taming and free taming) I decided to do a tip about what they can do, and how to find, etc.

First of all, the equus is extremely hard to find. They are like the diplocaulus of the land. They are easiest to find at the green obelisk. If you don’t find any, do a destroywilddinos command. Once I did this. Four appeared, two died instantly and then one did. Then the last one I picked up.

Second of all, they are great for taming! You could easily tame an army of dilos or a computer for a shoulder pet! They are one of the creatures that has amazing jump, like the Thyla and megaloceros. They are great for traveling if speed, weight, and health (health for any surprise attacks from wild Dinos) are upgraded.

Third of all, their saddle is an on-the-go-mortar-and-pestle. If you knock out a theri with tranq darts while exploring and are in need of some narcotics, get some old spoiled meat (maybe keep it with equus) and collect narcoberries. They aren’t too bad at berry collecting!

Last of all, they are just cute. Literally are sweet pony friends and you can build stables with a paddock and put them on wander, you could get 5 or more and ride one as the leader, you can do many things! People on servers can do β€œequus shows” for a small fee of a material that is needed too!

Have fun with equus!

More Equus Taming & KO Tips