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Boy do I have a lot of tips, and I’m a little mad because I have yet to tame one because I didn’t know these tips. One, this applies to mobile since that’s what I play. Let’s begin. Don’t listen to the Dododex or google on how many it takes. Dodo said 12 rockcarrots for a 45 equus and google said thirty, I used close to 50 rockcarrots on a 45 and it still didn’t tame it. Next, I think Equus have to be a certain level for you to see how close you are to taming them. 3 different leveled equi, highest level being 150 didn’t show it, but a level 170 Equus did. So, idk. Finally, be ready to be there for a while especially since one time I tried to tame one, the level 170. The taming percentage started to go down even though I couldn’t feed it, so there’s a chance you could lose a ton of taming percentage and there’s nothing you can do. My advice tame a good berry collector to collect at least 2 stacks of rockcarrots, especially for one above level 100, and make sure you have at least an hour and a half before attempting to tame one. Otherwise you could waste time

And resources for nothing.

More Equus Taming & KO Tips