ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Equus Stories Tips
I love these creatures, just love them. I am a pretty experienced player, and I had just got The Center. I started out on a tropical island. It was a good start. I had one carrot. I saw a few of these up on a clearing. I ran over, but there were allos everywhere. I managed to sneak up to a beautiful dark brown horse. I tamed him with one carrot. I named him Smasher.
I was only like level 12 or something, so I rode him back to my thatch starter base. Then, an allosaurus sadly ran up and murdered Smasher and my base. I turned on cheats and killed every allo in the area.
⬆️ For Smasher, who fought the allo till his last breath.
(I'm on mobile) Once upon a time I was taming that sorta rolly polly dino that I can't spell , and I saw an equus , a majestic creature that was mainly pale , but had orange legs , I pulled out my spyglass and saw it was a level 2... but I wanted an equus so bad I didnt care. I bought 5x soothing balm and took Iggy the iguanadon and gathered some rockcarrots. After taming this trotting little guy I rode him all around , looking for a female to get some awesome mutations , I found 2 more males at Carrot cake's spawn point (I named the equus carrot cake lol)
But I couldn't find a female anywhere! 😭. 3 Days later I'm still searching for a female... Up this if females of any species are SUPER hard to find , wish me luck! ♥️
1st Taming Attempt: I Find. I Get Carrots. I Try To Tame. Easy Right? *Omnious ROARRR* And I'm Like Oh S***! The Equss Refuses To Move And It Dies By A Damn Rex While I Run Away Like "YOUR ON YOUR OWN BUDDY,BYEEE." 2nd Attempt To Tame: I Find Another Equus. Get More Carrots. Successful Tame! I Run Around On This Equus For Two Days In Game. I Hear Heavy Footsteps And Turn Around Slowly And An Allo Pack Is Like , "HELLO SNACKY SNACK" My Equus Dies. And I Die. And Then I Throw My Controller At The TV Like "DAMN IT ARK CANT I HAVE A DAY OF PEACE" Ty For Wasting Your Time Reading. This Happy Trails! 😁🤣😝😎
My first noble steed Zephyr was his name. He was my loyal friend until, while returning home a Alpha Raptor threw me off my saddle. I was only a level 25 so I ran, and Zephyr bravely distracted the Alpha Raptor. He sacrificed himself for me so that one day I will have my revenge.
R.I.P Zephyr 😔
The Obelisk
No way guys! We’re on Chapter 41?? I’ve written and you’ve read 41 Chapters?? 😮
-Chapter 41- 👊😎😎😎
“I’m so excited,” The colorful Shadowmane was whispering, bouncing lightly on her claws. “You’re going to be my first official friends outside of my own kin! Um, I hope so, at least,” she ducked her head to smile at them. “It’s not hard, right? To be friends with other kinds?”
“We’ll…” Rust began…
“Don’t tell me.” Nyx said. “I’ll just find out myself. I’ve already guessed—here you four are—and you’re obviously friends. So it can’t be too hard, right?”
Crimson let out a ginormous snort, but mercifully stayed silent. Nyx raised her eyebrows curiously, turned, and continued on.
Forest overheard a few Shadowmanes ahead, chatting quietly. He caught a few words from the conversation, and his own curiosity piked.
“What are the Ruins?” He asked finally.
“Only the hippest spot in all of Fjordur,” Nyx answered gleefully. “It’s so awesome and I love it there. I can’t wait!”
“Are we close?” Spark asked.
“Should be,” Answered another Shadowmane next to them.
“I’ve only been there three times so far,” Nyx said. “We visit Runheimr for lots of reasons, but truthfully“ —she lowered her voice into a mischievous whisper—“I think Father just likes to dance.”
“Dance?” Forest echoed, before Nyx shot her head up and squeeled, “Oh! Oh! Oh!” Excitement radiated out of her scales. She grabbed the shoulder of the nearest Shadowmane, who winced and shoved her off playfully. “There it is! There it is!”
To be continued