A world of dinosaurs chapter 26 the cave

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A world of dinosaurs chapter 26 the cave

After the attack Bard and snow ran as fast as they could. They ran far and hard. Soon Bard said letโ€™s get to that cave. Snow and Bard slowly walked over. Bard we need water. Said snow. Yes, we do. Weโ€™ll find some soon. Snow and Bard walked down some steps into the shade.

Lying down to rest in the shade. Falling asleep. Snow woke up and walked over to Bard. Where are we? I think we moved. I donโ€™t see the entrance. Thatโ€™s because you have moved. Hissed a creature above them. Suddenly the arneo came into sight.

In an abrupt burst the arneo shot a web out sticking to snow. You have come into the league of webs. Snow pulled the web off his face looking for an escape route. You have no where to go. All the entrances are being guarded.

Sorry was short hope you like it.

The reader

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