ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I will try to take care of my self and my dinosaur.
More Diplodocus Taming & KO Tips
How to get a diplo:
Know that it is easiest to passive tame them, which means walking up to them and feeding them
Get a TON of berries, everytime you feed it, it will go up like 3-5%
Have a high speed, high attack flying dino, (high attack in case you "miss click")
HAVE PATIENCE, diplo's are a stubborn tame, they will push you playfully (hence the flying dino)
MAKE SURE there are no carnivores around, if there are carnies around it will attack it there is a chance of it dying, it will get rid of all your hard work, and most importantly, IT MAY DIE (R.I.P. attempted tame #1 + 2 😢)
Plz note I am not an "high level player" that has a giga, I am lvl 50, (51 at the time I wrote this, almost 52) so I am not that experienced, tho I am sorta, I don't know that much about the game
When passively taking, keep in mind that there is a large gap of time between their first food item and second. Afterwards the food drain proceeds normally
Well everyone, lord Fred saw u passed 40 on the piranha, so it’s time to tell u how to tame a dippy!!!!!
Note: there is two methods to do this: passive or knockout. So I’ll describe both
For passive: if u have nothing to do, then wait like 60hours to tame it with your hand. Trust me, I learned the hard way
If u do knockout l, then u save so much time.
1. Trap it with gate frames. (I recommend stone.)
2. Knockout with tranq arrows. (Don’t know how much)
3. Feed it food. Likes berries
4. 123… POW 💥 u tamed your little friend
Tips: they really like to play with u with they’re necks, so dodge it!
Txs so much for the tip to be published! We’re gonna lower the stakes for u: if this gets past 30, I’ll make one on how to tame a must need tame: CARNOTAURUS!!!
Signed, lord Fred
When taming or fighting, you can stand under their belly and not be knocked back. It may take a few trys but they do no damage to you anyway.
Very easy tame! Just go by a rock while getting hit, so you don’t go far away, and go under the diplo. Keep feeding it mejoberries, and wala you have a diplo. Keep in mind the little bonks don’t hurt so don’t be afraid by that.
When there wild there pretty slow
But when there tamed....
The first time you feed it it goes really slow but after that it’s like every 15 seconds(berries)
Passive tamed a level 12 (+5 levels) with 15 mejoberries. If you can situate yourself under it’s legs, specifically between the two front ones, the diplo will continue to try and bump you back but will be unsuccessful. It will do this move over and over again, and drain its stamina and hunger faster, which leads to a faster tame.
When trying to tame they are a passive tame meaning you don’t knock it out.Also keep in mind when trying to tame they are extremely playful and will try to push you back.
Do not punch it when you are 15min away from finishing a passive tame of a level 140...:/