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When I first started playing ark, me and my dad (who’s a gamer) tamed and bred dilos but we had no idea what imprinting was. So we looked at the dilo hatchlings and it said they wanted care in 20 mins. So we set a timer for 20 mins and when it had completed, we basically just gave them a premium luxurious experience. We fed them prime meat, kept them in the house and even fed them enduro stew (which we found a recipe for after killing a hyenadon) because it sounded fancy. We were confused at why the game told us to give them care and knew that we probably did it wrong so we researched about it and learned about imprinting. So we bred our dilos again but when the ‘wants care’ timer ran out it didn’t say anything about ‘wants to go on a walk with you or anything’. So for a full year we were convinced that imprinting was something exclusive to PC (we play on ps4/ps5). We later found out that we had imprinting disabled on the settings for the server. 😐

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