Let me tell you a pro tip for taming (just a guy living in youtube) so firstly you need tanky flyers argys should be good but I suggest you quetzals with mate boost . Get targeted by its lightning and stand in the purple corruption area on its right wing and then the purple corruption thing would pop out then destroy it , then do the same to the right wing and then the hard part comes up with the tail area do the same thing but many many times and then it should just knock out

1) the more you do damage the worse it comes out

2)no saddle need after its tamed it would spawn with a saddle for you

3)its flock attack will knock you out frim the tame so when you get targeted by flock try to run away and then comeback

4)as soon as you get it wipe the whole server because if another guy gets it you will get wiped

5) dont stand on its wing cuz it rolls and you will probably fall down

6) dont forget to troll your friends :)

The complete taming tips you can ever read in a place

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