ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

My friends and I used a strategy where we have a thyla we pumped only health on- (group of three people) I tanked the worm with the thyla, one person shot flame arrows and the others shot with shotguns
More Deathworm Encountering Tips
Get a few hoverskifts
Paint all but one black
Have your friends chase you with them
Fly right over an alpha one and have it destroy them
There you go you’ve re-enacted star wars
Rexes are the usual recommendation for killing worms, but they can go down fast with more than 1 worm at a time if you don’t have backup.
Unless you are leveling Rexes for boss battles, a Procoptodon and a good pump shotgun is top dog here. Hop around the dunes until they find you and then start blasting them in the face. Even with multiple worms, or an alpha, you’re fast enough to run circles around them and get out of attack range. Level weight on your roo and black pearl/hide/keratin storage is barely a concern.
Scorched Earth - Oasis of trees and an explorer note around 10 Lat 16.5 Lon (top left corner).
Travel around the dunes north/northeast of the oasis, you should find plenty of worms. Alphas spawn far more often here than anywhere else it seems, but are still rare. ~ 3 - 8 black pearls for normal worms (not guaranteed drop), 75 black pearls per alpha (guaranteed).
This is based on experience in ASA, no clue how similar ASE spawning is.
Why is no one talking about using a megatherium to kill these things? Just kill a quick scorpion to enter rage mode and destroy the deathworms
It doesn’t matter what level the death worm is, they will all have the same health and melee, I just wish you luck is all
I watched a deathworm destroy my adobe structure because there was a dungbeetle inside.
What’s that rumbling underneath the desert sand? A death worm and if your I’ll prepared your probably dead! So let’s talk about them!
Appearance: Mud brown exoskeleton, with 2 legs on each side of the segmented exoskeleton, it’s face is similar to that of stag Beatles’ mandibles, with large legs dangling underneath them.
Where would you find one?: [MAJOR WARNING: these are extremely dangerous if you aren’t prepared] To find one simply traverse the border of scorched earth.
What do they do?: In lore, they were meant to terminate ANY survivors that try to exit the border, and they do this very efficiently. This is do to their massive health pool, their intimidating size, and the ability to come out of nowhere if your not paying attention. (So basically they’re the Gandalf’s of arks border: “you. SHALL-NOT! PASS!!!”)
Is there a reason to come face to face with one?: If your a low level… definitely not. If your a high level survivor with a fully imprinted tank of a tame, like a wyvern. Then yes there is a reason for killing them. Reason number 1 They are the only source of death worm horns (I know ironic right?). Reason number 2: The XP you gain when killing one.
Of course there’s also reasons not to mess with one: Their massive health pool. On top of being the equivalent to a reaper king Giga hybrid, it’s capable of taking huge chunks of health from your tame. If you run into one on accident without a tame, run while you still can or you can consider your self all sorts of dead.
Additional facts:
*Deathworm horns can be used to quickly tame a mantis
*Deathworms can ONLY traverse terrain while underground, while underground they sacrifice the ability to attack you, the same goes for you attacking it.
*deathworms can be detected by the bump of moving sand towards its target, they only attack survivors.
*When deathworms can’t reach the target, it has to go underground to get closer, before then being able to hit the target.
*Deathworms are around 1/4 taller than a giganotasaurus
Thanks for reading!
I led a deathworm into a triple row of metal spike walls and it rose up in the middle of the spikes and ate me.
I did it for science.
In order to fight death worms, get a rex with around 10k health and 200% melee damage. This lets you tank it while dealing loads of damage.
Ragnarock - Go into ice cave and kill the weak deathworms there. Use a good shield to block their attacks and melee them with a sword, easy quick kills because they have so little health and they drop the same loot as a regular deathworm. Make sure to wear warm cloths.