ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
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Once there were people named after emotions, and 3 of them had a meeting.
Joy: What kind of creature should we invent now?
Love: We should make a—
Grief: How about a spider?
Love: But we will make it cute!
Joy: Very cute!
Grief: Why not make it shoot webs? They make people get stuck to things.
Joy: Sure! It will swing on the webs in a playful way!
Love: And let us make it play RedlightGreenlight!
Joy: Love it!
Love: I'm overjoyed you like it!
(Love and Joy bring up a crafting table. They take some spider DNA and make it super fuzzy.. Then they give it the mind of a playful toddler.)
Joy: Let's name it Koz. Koz I can't think of another name!
Love: But I like Moe.
Joy: then let us call the creation Cosmo! Do you like the name, Grief?
Love: Oh, Grief fainted. It was too cute.
Cosmo: Skwersy!
Love: What is it? You wanna have a buncha spider pals? Okay!
(Love and Joy make 109 more Cosmoes.)
Cosmo: Skwersy!
Falling tides chapter 4 by OMEGA09
“ Welcome to our humble village “, “ it’s best village east side of the footpaw”. Dylan questioned “ footpaw?” . Sarah replied “ that’s what we call that peninsula over there “. She quickly changed the subject. “ Well over here we have the blacksmith, and the farmer I guess” . Dylan intruded “ so why are you giving me the tour”. Sarah sighed “ well I don’t know anyone here well ,and neither do you I’m suspecting”. “ I’ve seen these people on the streets “ Dylan argued . Sarah responded “ We are thinking this is just a random selection of people from different places around the world.” “Mr yen the blacksmith is Japanese, but he can forge a real good katana.”
They are interrupted by a loud banging of brass and iron . Sarah shouted “ The attack bell, something’s here!” Wood scraped and scratched and their walls were penetrated by long sharp claws. A loud roar pierced the air and the walls crumbled to splinters “ EVERYBODY GEAR UP “ a man’s voice blurted. Sarah grabbed some materials and instantly materialized a spear “how did you…” “NO TIME”
She handed the spear to Dylan and grabbed some gloves with large clawed knuckles off her back. They rushed to the fight. The beast took out houses and houses as it was pelted with spears and arrows. “EVERBODY ITS HURT SWITCH TO TRANQ ARROWS” as someone ran around with a strange liquid with a horrific smell Dylan dipped his spear in. “ WE’RE ALL OUT OF ARROWS” As the fight raged on the monster set its eyes directly on Dylan. “Um this is like Javelin right it’s got to be right?” With all his might he threw his spear and the beast fell to the earth. As he went in for a killing blow someone stopped him. “Feed it” Sarah exclaimed. “ FEED IT? FEED IT WHAT “ dylan asked. “ “Let’s see, it has dull teeth and no canines …. Berries it eats berries” Dylan grabbed a couple of berries and it ate from his hands “your really lucky” Sarah jealously said “ whoever knocks it out tames it” “I’ve never tamed anything”. Dylan said in a surprised tone “ Woah woah woah your saying I’m gonna have a pet dinosaur?!” “Well……… yes”.
It ate the last of the berries and stomped and staggered up and looked softly at Dylan. Tense and terrified he reached his hand out and scratched its chin. It jumped and cuddled next to him. Its sheer gigantic size toppled him over . The village leader asked him “ what are you going to name him “. Dylan answered “how about……. Nightwind”.
The falling tides chap 1
Dylan wakes slowly, waves softly greeting him. Strange calls surrounding the air. The sun coming from just beyond the trees. Another dream he ponders. But the pinching peck of a bird breaks his thoughts. “Where am I, where’s by bed and my everything… AND WHAT IS IS MY ARM!?”.
It was metal unlike anything he’d ever seen. slightly luminous and dug deep in his skin and bone. But he was too focused on the world around him. He noticed a strange bird. “ wait I know what you are. I saw you in the museum field trip. Dodo I think.” It cawed back slightly as if responding. “ wait didn’t these die due to hunting?” His senses shifted to the other side of the river. Large scaley beasts, triceratops he thought. The sky was speckled with reptile like birds. “ these all went extinct….. what’s happening to me?”
His stomach grumbled. “ I’d better get breakfast “. as he picked the berries something shot through him. As if he’d seen this somewhere else. Dylan was a champion gamer, he loved survival games. He’d had his eyes on gameplay trailers from the Ark. a game releasing today. A game so real you’d think your in it, the description read. He though hard about this… and the 50 dollars he spent to pre order the game.
Hello I’m OMEGA09 I’m new to story making give me tips and feedback next chap will still be in cosmo thanks for reading
The falling tides chapter 2
If people were on this island other than him he needed to find out. The question was what kind of people were here. Friends, strangers, or anything in between could be roaming. Not to mention loads of prehistoric creatures. He noticed in the clickbait and data-mines going in on the game there seemed to be saddles. Maybe he could ride something? But then something struck down knocking him onto his back
A white beam in a small basin of land had appeared right in front of him
It contained a large capsule, almost straight out of the alien movie. It extended its 4 legs and landed. It seemed approachable. As he got to it his implant reacted and suddenly the capsule almost evaporated. He felt a heavy surge of weight. He accidentally tapped his implant and a menu appeared in it he saw a makeshift hatchet and pickaxe. His amazement was short lived as a stone hit him and knocked him cold.
Falling tides
chapter three By OMEGA09
(In every chapter he will always refer to Dylan unless stated otherwise)
He woke up woozy and pinned to a wooden board. People with strange masks surrounded him. “ who are you and are you friendly” one called. “Um I’m Dylan I’m plenty nice”. “ Dylan …… Fieldman” replied the person. “ Um… yes, how did you know that”. She removed her mask. “ from the gamers club huh.”
It was Sarah Winston a senior at his high school. “ don’t we share a math class ?”. “ Yes, and can you please get me down from here ?” They unlocked the metal clamps and he fell onto his knees. “ Why are we here” Dylan asked . Sarah replies “ let’s walk and talk.
From Ben
Hey OMEGA09, just read the Chapter 4 of TFT! It was a really good length, i think this is the perfect amount for beginner. Also love the potential for characters that can be introduced like the japanese blacksmith. The dinosaur attack and taming process was also really cool and i liked how it was described, i just wish the dinosaur could be described somehow so readers can tell what it is. Other then that it was great and i cant wait for the next chapter!