ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They cane tamed by ONLY 2 of ANY RAW PRIME MEAT(Mutton, Meat, Fish Meat)
More Compy Taming & KO Tips
Up of u think it is too expensive too tame
Compys are more trouble than they are worth, but we all tame them, so here’s a guide to help you out.
1. Get some prime meat, it is already max effectiveness so having mutton doesn’t matter. In asa babies drop prime and are a great source because they drop a LOT
2. I recommend tranq arrows, because fists will likely kill it, and it will bite you, and the 1 to 3 ish tranqs you’ll need aren’t expensive
3. Knock it out and feed it, it is a very quick tame so just wait for it to tame, and you shouldn’t need narcotics because it tames so fast. You can bola it if it is too hard to hit, just wait for it to walk up to you and stare so you can hit it while it’s motionless
Happy taming!
P.S. I am making an in depth taming guide for every creature in ark, so make sure to check my other tips. They all follow this format with Happy taming! at the end. Please raise it to the sky if it is helpful so it can help others
Guys they only take with mutton, prime fish or reg prime
They die from starvation REALLY FAST, like in a couple of minutes if low level, so rember to put some meat in it's inventory After taming It, i learned the hard wayಥ‿ಥ
1 up=1 pray for reginald
Pick the compy you want and kill the rest. Otherwise they will turn on your tame compy and kill it. No one leaves the compy tribe and lives.
How to tame a compy:
Step 1:Kill things for meat
Step 2:Find one
Step 3:make it come to you
Step 4:try hiring it with a bat to make it go to sleep
Step 5:realize that your cooked because they come in groups and do massive damage for some people who don’t know what armor is
Step 6:be brave
Step 7:kill every compy except the one you want(leave that one sleeping)
Step 8:tame it with the meat that you got
Step 9:tame it
Step 10:celebrate 🥳
WHY do you need prime meat!!! But they are pretty cute
Bro u telling me that this small boi can be tamed
Lv. 150 Tametime: 2mins
Egg Breeding Time ~4 days
When you leave your giga on passive and one of these comes into your base while you sleep. Don’t know how long it was there but it did kill it